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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 859

Abram O. Blanding daybook

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/271
Scope and Contents Daybook of accounts from medical practice of A. O. Blanding in Concord, N.H., 1850 Apr. 30-[1854] Jan. 24. Several charity accounts charged to Town of Concord.
Dates: 1850 - 1854

A.C. Wooden collection of stamps on the history of medicine

Identifier: MSS 461
Scope and Contents note The A. C. Wooden stamp collection on the history of medicine includes stamps and first day of issue envelopes that were previously mounted and framed (6 framed items, approx. 700 stamps). The mounted stamps and envelopes were removed from frames in 2025 to enable better storage. Topics include doctors; nurses; disease awareness; medical institutions; and miscellaneous science and technology subjects from all corners of the globe, dated 1939 to 1979. The collection is accompanied by a placard...
Dates: 1903-1979; Majority of material found within 1939-1979

Accession books of the Library

Identifier: CPP 13/015-01

Addinell Hewson photographs of surgery patients

Identifier: P-AH
Overview The Addinell Hewson photographs of surgery patients is a small collection of seven photographs, dating between 1861 and 1865, and including tumors, fractures, and amputations.Addinell Hewson was born in 1828 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and received his M.D. from Jefferson Medical College in 1850. He was a resident of Pennsylvania Hospital, and later opened his own practice. Hewson also served as assistant surgeon to the Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church, surgeon to...
Dates: 1861-1865

Address manuscript (unprocessed)

Identifier: 1996-005
Scope and Contents note This is an address by a physician, presumably to a group of his colleagues. The address is untitled and undated. It discusses the history of medicine and current medical theory and practice. Specific topics mentioned include Thompsonism ("heat is life"), hydrotherapy, and homeopathy.
Dates: undated

Albert C. Gorgas essay and examination questions

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/234
Scope and Contents Holograph essay, 1856 Mar. 28, describing causes, symptoms, and treatment of neuralgia and tic doloureux [facial neuralgia], and twelve examination questions with responses, [1856 Mar. 31], by Albert C. Gorgas. Forms part of Gorgas’ examination for entrance into Medical Corps of the U.S. Navy. Essay written at U.S. Naval Home in Philadelphia and presented to the Board of Naval Surgeons of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
Dates: 1856

Albert Morris Eaton papers

Identifier: MSS 2/005
Scope and Contents The Eaton Papers consist of correspondence, handwritten notes, reports, and newspaper and periodical articles concerning Eaton's life, career, and professional concerns. The bulk of the collection is comprised of records from Eaton's tenure as Chairman of the Philadelphia County Medical Society(PCMS) Committee on Archives. These records include reports of the committee; correspondence files with physicians and their descendants concerning biographical information; Eaton's biographical...
Dates: 1885 - 1919

Albert S. Ashmead papers

Identifier: MSS 2/029
Overview The Albert S. Ashmead papers (1875-1910) is a fine collection documenting the professional experiences of a well-known American leprologist. The focus of the collection is Ashmead's correspondence with other leprologist and international figures concerning the 1897 Berlin lepra conference. The collection also contains manuscripts of Ashmead's articles, the text for an unpublished anthology on Japanese medicine, and research notes and translations of articles concerning leprosy and...
Dates: 1869 - 1910

Alexander Jackson notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/196
Scope and Contents Alexander Jackson’s notes, 26 January through 27 February 1824, from lectures in Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Includes occasional diagrams and subject index. Lecturers include: Nathaniel Chapman on the practice of medicine, John Redman Coxe on materia medica, William Gibson on surgery, and William P. Dewees and Thomas C. James on midwifery. Includes occasional notes on Robert Hare on chemistry and Philip Syng Physick on anatomy.
Dates: 1824

Alexander Knight daybooks

Identifier: MSS 412
Scope and Contents note This collection consists of two volumes of Knight's lists of patients attended, 1813-1815 and 1820-1821. The lists include the date, name, age, residence, cost, diagnosis, and outcome. The first volume also includes a summary table of patients seen by month for the years 1813 through 1817. The second volume includes the profession as well as the referring person of the patient in some of the entries.
Dates: 1813-1821

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Correspondence 352
Minutes 109
Lecture notes 106
Reports 89
Financial records 79
∨ more
Photographs 68
Clippings 45
Speeches (documents) 38
Medical societies -- Philadelphia, Pa. 37
Medicine -- Practices 36
Committees 34
Ledgers (account books) 34
Annual reports 33
Essays 33
Lectures 33
Typescripts 31
Materia Medica 30
Medical libraries -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 28
Patient records 28
Daybooks 27
Manuscripts (documents) 26
Obstetrics 24
Anatomy 23
Patients 23
Recipes 23
Surgery 23
Diaries 21
Medicine -- Practice -- Accounting 20
Publications (documents) 19
Certificates 18
Pathology 17
Physiology 17
Research notes 17
Admission tickets 16
Medical students -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 16
Membership records 16
Bylaws (administrative records) 15
Genealogies (histories) 15
Physicians -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 15
Chemistry 14
Library catalogs 14
Prescriptions 14
Fellows 13
Medical illustration 13
Medical museums 13
Casebooks 12
Programs (documents) 12
Special events 12
Women in medicine 12
Yellow Fever 12
Awards 11
Biography files 11
Medical societies 11
Memorandums 11
Philadelphia (Pa.) 11
Physicians 11
Administrative records 10
Anatomical abnormalities 10
Collections management (Libraries) 10
Dissection 10
Fever 10
Gifts 10
Medical records 10
Pathological museums 10
Phrenology 10
Receipts (financial records) 10
Scrapbooks 10
Case studies 9
Catalogs 9
Ephemera 9
General Surgery 9
Newsletters 9
Reprints 9
Articles 8
Grants 8
Medicine -- History 8
Midwifery 8
Poetry 8
Therapeutics 8
Account books 7
Book collecting 7
Clinical notes 7
Deeds 7
Diplomas 7
Finance 7
Hospitals -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 7
Medical libraries 7
Medical offices -- Nineteenth century 7
Medical schools -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- History 7
Ophthalmologists -- Philadelphia, Pa. 7
Physicians -- Nineteenth century 7
Autographs 6
Character readings 6
Digestive System Diseases 6
Examinations -- Questions 6
Gynecology 6
Hospitals -- Administration -- Philadelphia, Pa. 6
Lantern slides 6
Library users 6
Medical care -- United States -- Civil War, 1861-1865 6
∧ less
University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 41
University of Pennsylvania 40
College of Physicians of Philadelphia 39
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 35
Rush, Benjamin 23
∨ more
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 20
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 17
Chapman, Nathaniel 16
Jefferson Medical College 16
Philadelphia General Hospital 15
Fisher, Charles Perry 13
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mütter Museum 10
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Curator 10
Mütter Museum 10
Wood, George B. (George Bacon) 10
Coxe, John Redman 9
Physick, Philip Syng 9
Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 8
Osler, William, Sir 8
Dunglison, Robley 7
Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine 7
Hodge, H. Lenox (Hugh Lenox) 7
Leidy, Joseph 7
Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 7
Philadelphia College of Medicine 7
Philadelphia County Medical Society 7
Roberts, John Bingham 7
Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 7
Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia 7
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical History 6
Mitchell, Silas Weir 6
Morse, Elliott H. (Elliott How) 6
Carson, Joseph 5
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Building Committee 5
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Treasurer 5
Dorsey, John Syng 5
Girvin, John H. (John Harper) 5
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 5
Jackson, Samuel 5
Parrish, Joseph 5
Radbill, Samuel X. 5
United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Board of Naval Surgeons) 5
University of Edinburgh 5
University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 5
Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper 4
Bache, Franklin 4
Bache, Thomas Hewson 4
Blockley Almshouse 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library Committee 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Public Health, Preventive, and Industrial Medicine 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Women's Committee 4
Curie, Marie 4
Deaver, John B. (John Blair) 4
Fowlers and Wells’ Phrenological Cabinet 4
Gibbon, John Heysham, Jr. 4
Gibson, William 4
Hinsdale, Guy 4
Keen, William W. (William Williams) 4
McDaniel, W. B., II (Walton Brooks) 4
Medical Library Association 4
Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 4
Pathological Society of Philadelphia 4
Pepper, William 4
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 4
Santee, E. A. (Ephraim A.) 4
Stillé, Alfred 4
Sturgis, Samuel Booth 4
Tyson, James 4
United States. Navy 4
Wistar, Caspar 4
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 4
Abbe, Robert 3
Alms-House (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Board of Trustees 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Revision of the Pharmacopoeia 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Executive Director 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on General Medicine 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Ophthalmology 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Otolaryngology 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Trustees of the Building Fund 3
Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 3
Hare, Robert 3
Harvard Medical School 3
Hewson, Thomas T. 3
Horner, William E. (William Edmonds) 3
Hunter, Robert J. (Robert John) 3
James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 3
Medical Documentation Service (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Meigs, Charles D. (Charles Delucena) 3
Micozzi, Marc S. 3
Mitchell, John K. (John Kearsley) 3
Muller, George P. (George Paul) 3
Neilson, Thomas R. (Thomas Rundle) 3
Pancoast, Joseph 3
Parke, Thomas 3
Philadelphia General Hospital. School of Nursing 3
Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases 3
Sizer, Nelson 3
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