Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 20
Manuscript archives of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Identifier: CPP 1/001-01
The Office of the Secretary of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia created during organization in 1787. Secretary is the appointed officer of record whose original duties included maintenance of College minutes and transactions and preservation of its documents and correspondence.This collection holds correspondence, financial papers, reports, medical cases, and fellowship applications and resignations, 1787-1847, kept by the Secretaries of the College of Physicians of...
1787 - 1847
Presidential papers of G. E. De Schweinitz
Identifier: CPP 2/006-01
Scope and Contents
Collection, 1909-1913, of original incoming letters with copies of outgoing letters of George Edmund De Schweinitz (1858-1938), President of the College of Physicians from 1910 to 1912. Each volume contains the correspondence of one year of his presidency and is arranged by subject. Included is correspondence pertaining to scientific meetings of the College, the Council, committees and sections of the College, the Library, the preparation of memoirs, the presentation of lectures, and the...
1910 - 1912
Presidential papers of George P. Rosemond
Identifier: CPP 2/007-01
Scope and Contents
The collection contains George P, Rosemond's chronological
file, 1978-1980, from his tenure as President of the
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. The bulk of the file
contains incoming and copies of outgoing letters as well as
copies of letters sent by William F. Chaveas, Executive
Director of the College.The bulk of the correspondence concerns appointments to
committees; acknowledgements of gifts and contributions, ·
particularly to the College Library's salvage fund...
1978 - 1980
Presidential papers of Katharine R. Sturgis
Identifier: CPP 2/002-01
Scope and Contents
The presidential papers of Katharine R. Sturgis span 1925 to
1986; the bulk of the collection dates from 1970 to 1974.
The papers reflect the activities of the College during
Sturgis's presidential term; included are records of
committee meetings, lectureship administration, donations
and bequests, and amendments to ordinances and by-laws.
Also present is a series of correspondence with the legal
counsel of the College.Series 1, spanning 1925 to 1974, includes records of
1925 - 1986; Majority of material found within 1970 - 1974
Presidential papers of Lewis C. Sheffey
Identifier: CPP 2/001-01
Scope and Contents
This collection of Lewis Cass Scheffey's papers, spanning
1918 to 1966, documents his involvement in various offices,
committees, and sections of the College of Physicians of
Philadelphia. The bulk of the papers date from 1955 to
1958, the years in which Scheffey was President of the
College. Also included in the collection is material
relating to his participation in nu•erous local and national
organizations.Series 1 includes material relating to Scheffey's activities
as president,...
1918 - 1966; Majority of material found within 1955 - 1958
Records of the Search Committee
Identifier: CPP 2/009-01
Scope and Contents
These records of the Office of the President of the College
of Physicians of Philadelphia, spanning 1974 to 1975,
consist of John P. Hubbard's files concerning the Search
Committee, which was responsible for selecting a new
Executive Director for the College. Included in the
collection is Hubbard's correspondence with applicants and
members of the committee, resumes, memoranda, and minutes
from meetings of the Search Committee.Series 1.1 includes President Hubbard's correspondence...
1974 - 1975
Reports of the Representative of the President on the State Quarantine Board
Identifier: CPP 10/020-01
Scope and Contents
This collection consists of triennial reports submitted to the President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia by Richard A. Cleemann, representative of the President on the State Quarantine Board of Pennsylvania. The reports, 1893 to 1911, document the activities of the Board. The reports discuss the formulation of the rules and regulations of the Board, the selection of the location for the new quarantine station, and the expenses involved in the project. Also included are figures on...
1893 - 1911
Robert Campbell correspondence
Identifier: CPP 2/011
This collection contains a small amount of Robert Campbell’s correspondence, 1978-1980, from his tenure as President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
Robert E. Campbell was born in 1931. He received his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1957 and specialized in diagnostic radiology. In 1975, Campbell was elected a Fellow of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and served as its President from 2006 to 2008.
Robert E. Campbell was born in 1931. He received his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1957 and specialized in diagnostic radiology. In 1975, Campbell was elected a Fellow of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and served as its President from 2006 to 2008.
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh papers of Lewis W. Bluemle
Identifier: CPP 2/003-01
Scope and Contents
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Tercentenary
Papers, spanning 1967 to 1981, are part of the records of
the Office of the President of the College of Physicians of
Philadelphia. The bulk of the papers date from 1980 to
1981, when Lewis W. Bluemle was President of the College of
Physicians. The papers document Bluemle's involvement in
the Tercentenary Congress of the Royal College of Physicians
of Edinburgh.Series 1 contains correspondence pertaining to the
1967 - 1981; Majority of material found within 1980 - 1981
Small collections of the Office of the President
Identifier: CPP 2/012
This collection dates from 1908 to 1985, and consists of single files containing documentation left by various College Presidents. Researchers should note that there is not a substantial amount of information regarding any one President’s term found in this collection.
Please see the Series descriptions for more information.
Please see the Series descriptions for more information.
Filtered By
- Names: College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Correspondence 18
- Committees 11
- Reports 8
- Minutes 7
- Financial records 4
- Speeches (documents) 4
- Administrative records 3
- Clippings 3
- Finance 3
- Lectures 3
- Gifts 2
- Newsletters 2
- Photographs 2
- Strategic planning 2
- Applications -- Fellowship 1
- Buildings -- Repair and construction 1
- Bylaws (administrative records) 1
- Case studies 1
- Continuing Education 1
- Fellows 1
- Heart -- Surgery 1
- Job applications 1
- Medical education 1
- Medical societies -- Philadelphia, Pa. 1
- Résumés (personnel records) 1
- Special events 1
- Travel literature 1
- Typescripts 1
- Vivisection 1 ∧ less
∨ more