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Records of the Hospital and Dispensary for the Relief of Diseases of the Rectum and Genito-Urinary Organs

Identifier: MSS 440
Overview The Hospital and Dispensary for the Relief of Diseases of the Rectum and Genito-Urinary Organs was incorporated December 6, 1875, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its purpose was to “furnish gratuitous medical and surgical advice and treatment to all poor people (without regard to creed, sex, or race) who suffer from any form of disease of the rectum or genito-urinary organs.” E. C. Hine, L. S. Clark were the surgeons, and H. Lenox Hodge was the consulting surgeon, for the Hospital. Opened as...
Dates: 1875-1888

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  • Names: Hospital and Dispensary for the Relief of Diseases of the Rectum and Genito-Urinary Organs X