Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 35
Records of the Executive Office of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia I
Identifier: CPP 9/001-01
The Office of the Executive Director is the lead office in charge of administering the business of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. The Executive Director oversees the activities of the College of Physicians staff including staff of the Historical Medical Library, the Mütter Museum, the Francis Clark Wood Institute, and the Finance Department. The Executive Director also oversees the College functions of institutional advancement, communications, membership, and special events. As a...
Majority of material found within 1977 - 2002; 1951 - 2003
Records of the Humanism in Medicine Program
Identifier: CPP 12/005-01
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia developed the Humanism in Medicine Program to help enrich the curriculum of local medical schools in the area. This initiative was conceptualized in the early 2000s and ended in 2007, with funding supported by Horace W. Goldsmith and Arcadia Foundations. The Program aimed to bridge the arts and humanities with medicine, inviting visiting scholars, doubling as successful poets and writers, to present their compositions and artists to exhibit their...
1986 - 2007; Majority of material found within 2002 - 2007
Records of the Mütter Museum
Identifier: CPP 7/004-01
The Mütter Museum was founded in 1856 when Dr. Thomas Dent Mütter bequeathed his personal medical museum to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. From Thomas Mütter’s collection, the museum grew as a noted repository for unique collections of medical specimens across the world. The Mütter Museum records document the history of this noted institution from 1887 until 2006. Included in the collection are catalogs of item acquisitions, visitor records, event records, and the papers of several...
1887 - 2006
Records of The Office of Operations
Identifier: CPP 8/001
In 2010, the Office of Operations was organized to oversee hospitality, front of house and receptionist, visitor services, hall and grounds, renovations, security, and the parking lot. Previously, at least as far back as 1991, the management of facilities and special events fell under the responsibilities of the Office of Institutional Advancement (as of 2015, merged with Office of Development and External Affairs and Office of Communications into the Office of Advancement).The...
1981 - 2008
Records of the Section on Dermatology
Identifier: CPP 12/008-01
The Section on Dermatology was established by Lawrence Parish and Joseph Witkowski on December 22, 1981. The requirements for membership were “a professional interest in and a respect for dermatology.” The Section held four or five meetings a year on Wednesday evenings; these meetings generally included a lecture followed by a cocktail hour and dinner.In late 2005 or 2006, nearly all College sections were discontinued, including the Section on Dermatology.The Records...
Records of the Section on General Medicine
Identifier: CPP 12/011-03
The Section on General Medicine was established in 1897. Its first Chair was James C. Wilson. The Section was disbanded in 1965.
Records of the Section on Medical History III
Identifier: CPP 12/003-03
The Section on Medical History was founded in 1904. In 1905, the Section began holding meetings at which lectures on medical history were presented, inviting papers from physicians and scholars from a variety of backgrounds. By the 1970s, the section had become the sponsor of several annual lectures, including the Kate Hurd Mead Lecture (co-sponsored by the [Woman’s] Medical College of Pennsylvania, now Drexel College of Medicine) which was started in 1952 and the Samuel X. Radbill Lecture...
Records of the Section on Medical History IV
Identifier: CPP 12/003-04
The Section on Medical History was founded in 1904. In 1905, the Section began holding meetings at which lectures on medical history were presented, inviting papers from physicians and scholars from a variety of backgrounds. By the 1970s, the section had become the sponsor of several annual lectures, including the Kate Hurd Mead Lecture (co-sponsored by the [Woman’s] Medical College of Pennsylvania, now Drexel College of Medicine) which was started in 1952 and the Samuel X. Radbill Lecture...
Records of the Section on Medical History V
Identifier: CPP 12/003-05
On 2 November 1904, the Secretary of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia announced that President Arthur V. Meigs had authorized the formation of a new section of the College, the Section on Medical History. Starting in 1905, the section began holding meetings at which lectures on medical history were presented. The section invited papers from physicians and scholars from a variety of backgrounds; most of these papers were published in Transactions and Studies. By the 1970s, the section...
Robley Dunglison papers
Identifier: MSS 2/168
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Robley Dunglison's papers contains correspondence
with many individuals, 1830-1869; holograph manuscripts of three
Dunglison lectures on physiology and medical jurisprudence,
1832-1856; and miscellaneous material, 1841-1868, including
some financial papers, a report by Joseph Pancoast on a thoracic
examination, and resolutions of the Board of Trustees of Jefferson
Medical College on the retirement of Dunglison.Principal correspondents in the collection...
1830 - 1869
Filtered By
- Subject: Lectures X
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- Names
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia 6
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 4
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical History 3
- Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 3
- Bache, Franklin 2
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on General Medicine 2
- Dunglison, Robley 2
- Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine 2
- Mütter Museum 2
- Philadelphia General Hospital 2
- Rush, Benjamin 2
- University of Pennsylvania 2
- Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 2
- Academy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of Philadelphia 1
- American Association for the History of Medicine 1
- American College of Physicians 1
- American Gynecological Society 1
- American Public Health Association. Study Committee on Endemic Goitre 1
- Challiss, William L. 1
- Chaveas, William F. (William Francis) 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Scientific Business 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mary Scott Newbold lecture 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Operations 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Dermatology 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Humanism in Medicine 1
- De Schweinitz, G. E. (George Edmund) 1
- Frazier, Charles H. (Charles Harrison) 1
- Hartshorne, Henry 1
- Haverford College 1
- Hughson, Walter 1
- Huston, Robert M. (Robert Mendenhall) 1
- International Paleopathology Association 1
- Jarcho, Saul 1
- Jefferson Medical College 1
- Krumbhaar, E. B. (Edward Bell) 1
- McClendon, J.F. (Jesse Francis) 1
- Meigs, Charles D. (Charles Delucena) 1
- Micozzi, Marc S. 1
- Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 1
- Mitchell, John Kearsley 1
- Morgan, John 1
- Moyer, Elizabeth 1
- Neilson, Thomas R. (Thomas Rundle) 1
- O'Donnell, John M. 1
- Pancoast, Joseph 1
- Parrish, Joseph 1
- Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 1
- Pennsylvania Hospital. Benjamin Franklin Clinic 1
- Pennsylvania School for the Deaf 1
- Philadelphia Council. Water Committee 1
- Philadelphia School of Anatomy 1
- Public Charities Association of Pennsylvania 1
- Registry of Human Paleopathology 1
- Rush, Alexander 1
- Schnabel, Truman G. 1
- Schnabel, Truman G., Sr. 1
- Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 1
- Sturgis, Margaret Castex 1
- U.S.A. General Hospital. 2nd Ward (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- United States. Army. 20th General Hospital 1
- University of Pennsylvania. Auxiliary Faculty of Medicine 1
- University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 1
- Wade, Ella N. (Ella Nora) 1
- Willson, J. Robert (James Robert) 1
- Wilson, J. C. (James Cornelius) 1
- Wood, Francis C. (Francis Clark) 1
- Wood, George B. (George Bacon) 1
- Worden, Gretchen 1 ∧ less
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