Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 23
Andrew Warner notes on lectures from Yale College School of Medicine
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/069
Scope and Contents
Volume contains conclusion of Nathan Smith’s lecture course on theory and practice of physic, 1815-1816,
and personal material of Andrew F. Warner, 1821 and undated. Smith’s lectures describe
pathology, symptoms, and treatment of disease by anatomical system; bulk of volume concerns diseases
of the chylopoietic viscera [lymphatic system], digestive system, urinary system, and bronchi. Course
concludes with Smith’s general remarks on the treatment of disease. A brief section on the...
1815-1816, 1821, undated
Benjamin Coles commonplace book
Identifier: MSS 2/041
Scope and Contents
"Anthropologica nova seu liber medicus manualis, scrip[si]t. Binj. Coles, G. Fosters, 8 Septem[be]r.
Contains 171 entries including definitions, medical recipes, and prescriptions for ailments, diseases, and pregnancy. Occasional entries concern matters of materia medica or natural history.
Contains 171 entries including definitions, medical recipes, and prescriptions for ailments, diseases, and pregnancy. Occasional entries concern matters of materia medica or natural history.
circa 1730s
Charles Asher Knight casebooks
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/324
Scope and Contents
The collection contains two casebooks, 1891-1898 (Bulk 1891-1893), kept by physician Charles Asher Knight, 1864-1924, while at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. Items found interleaved in the casebooks were removed and placed in folders. The first casebook, 1891-1893, contains case histories, a partial name index, and a listing of medicinal recipes. The second casebook, 1891-1898, contains case histories, an inventory of medical and surgical instruments and supplies, and miscellaneous notes....
1891 - 1898; Majority of material found within 1891 - 1893
Crawford Long notes on remedy for poisonous insect bites
Identifier: MSS 2/093
Scope and Contents
Holograph item describing case which Crawford W. Long treated on 20 May 1847 at Jefferson, Ga., in
which child experienced stomach pains, difficulty breathing, and muscle spasms following insect bite.
Long treated the child with tincture opii, Hoffman’s anodyne, and aqua ammonia. Typed transcript by
Richard A. Kern included.
Daniel J. Swinney papers
Identifier: MSS 2/085
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Daniel J. Swinney's student lecture
notes and related papers, recipe book, daybook, and vaccination
records, 1808-1827, documents the education and early medical
career of an obscure country physician during the early 19th
century.The collection is divided into two series. Series 1 concerns
Swinney's medical education at the University of Pennsylvania,
1808-1809, and includes a receipt for his 1808-1809 session
fee; an 1809 copy of Benjamin Rush's...
1808 - 1827
George B. Green receipt [recipe] book
Identifier: MSS 2/057
Scope and Contents
One volume of remedies and recipes compiled by George B. Green, 1823-1862, with notes on sources of
information or use of recipes. Includes recipes for medical ailments such as croup, hydrophobia, and
dysentery, and household substances such as varnish, shoe polish, and ink. Several remedies
prescribed by Vermont physician E. E. Phelps for Mrs. George B. Green. Newspaper clippings and other
printed items laid in.One-volume daybook of farm and personal accounts, 1852- June...
1823 - 1862
Gustavus Darling Peck daybook
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/226
Scope and Contents
Chronological record of G. D. Peck’s medical practice in Milford, Mass., 1832 Oct. 24-1834 Mar. 31. Entries list name of patient, reason for visit, fee charged, and ledger account number. Several patent medicines prescribed. Monthly summary accounts for 1832 and 1833 included. Also includes recipes and notes, including a reference, dated 1833 Jan. 1, to taking E. W. Carpenter as a medical student.
1832 - 1834
Henry Richard Smith medical notebook
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/248
Scope and Contents
Notes on lectures of Dr. [James] Blundell on midwifery, 1835, from Guy’s Hospital; examination questions on surgery; notes on symptoms and treatment of common ailments; and recipes. Several bills and recipes, some dated as late as 1884, laid in.
1835 - 1884
Isaac S. Thompson notes on the lectures of Colin McKenzie
Identifier: MSS 408
Scope and Contents note
This is a volume of manuscript lecture notes entitled "Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery by Colin McKenzie, M.D." The notes appear to have been taken by Isaac S. Thompson. There are 22 lectures; topics include "Of the Structure of the Pelvis," "Of Conception and Touching," "On Abortion," "Premature Births," and "Preternatural Labor." The volume also includes several recipes for prescriptions.An inscription on the inside of the front cover dates the volume to 1784;...
1784; undated
James Snow medical notebook
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/245
Scope and Contents
Contains James R. Snow’s prescriptions and recipes for common ailments and notes on lectures of Austin Flint on practice of medicine and Frank Hastings Hamilton on surgery from the Medical Dept. of University of Buffalo, circa 1848.
circa 1848
Filtered By
- Subject: Recipes X
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Additional filters:
- Names
- Jefferson Medical College 3
- Biddle, John B. (John Barclay) 2
- Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 2
- Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 2
- Wallace, Ellerslie 2
- American Mt. Zion Sunday School (Frederick Township, Pa.) 1
- Athenaeum of Philadelphia 1
- Bellevue Hospital 1
- Blundell, Dr. 1
- Carpenter, E. W. (Elijah Whitney) 1
- Coles, Benjamin 1
- Dauntesey, John 1
- Dickson, Samuel Henry 1
- Diller, John R. 1
- Dunglison, Robley 1
- Ecky family 1
- Ecky, John H. 1
- Faust, Jonathan N. 1
- Faust, Peter 1
- Flint, Austin 1
- Franklin Pharmaceutical Institute 1
- Green, George B. (George Barrett) 1
- Guy's Hospital. Medical School 1
- Hall, Timothy 1
- Hamilton, Frank Hastings 1
- Hollandus, Johan Isaäc 1
- Hollembaek, Henry 1
- Hunter, Samuel B. 1
- Jackson, Samuel 1
- Kitchen, Philip Gordon 1
- Knight, Charles Asher 1
- Long, Crawford Williamson 1
- McKenzie, Colin 1
- Medical Institute of Philadelphia 1
- Meigs, John 1
- Mussey, R. D. (Reuben Dimond) 1
- New Hampshire Medical Institution 1
- Pancoast, Joseph 1
- Paracelsus 1
- Peck, G. D. (Gustavus Darling) 1
- Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 1
- Penot, Bernard Georges 1
- Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 1
- Rand, B. Howard (Benjamin Howard) 1
- Richardson, Joseph Gibbons 1
- Rush, Benjamin 1
- Shuman, Jesse Elmer 1
- Smith, H. R. (Henry Richard) 1
- Smith, Nathan 1
- Snow, James R. 1
- Swinney, Daniel J. 1
- Thompson, Isaac S. 1
- University of Buffalo. School of Medicine 1
- University of Pennsylvania 1
- University of Pennsylvania. Alumni 1
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 1
- Walton, Juliet Coates 1
- Warner, Andrew F. (Andrew Ferdinando) 1
- Yale College. Medical Institution 1 ∧ less
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