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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 40

Alexander Jackson notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/196
Scope and Contents Alexander Jackson’s notes, 26 January through 27 February 1824, from lectures in Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Includes occasional diagrams and subject index. Lecturers include: Nathaniel Chapman on the practice of medicine, John Redman Coxe on materia medica, William Gibson on surgery, and William P. Dewees and Thomas C. James on midwifery. Includes occasional notes on Robert Hare on chemistry and Philip Syng Physick on anatomy.
Dates: 1824

Charles G. Fowler lecture notes from the University of Pennsylvania

Identifier: MSS 2/027
Scope and Contents The three volumes of Charles G. Fowler's collection of lecture notes documents the study of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania circa 1826. Volumes 1 and 2 consist of detailed notes from Nathaniel Chapman's course on Practice, Institutes, and Clinical Medicine. The notes describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment of fevers, blood diseases, consumption, asthma, and stomach disorders. There is a brief contemporary table of contents to Volume 1; a complete listing of contents for...
Dates: circa 1826-1828

Charles G. Strohecker notes on the lectures of William Darrach

Identifier: MSS 411
Scope and Contents note Notes taken from lectures by William Darrach at the University of Pennsylvania by C. G. Strohecker, 1845-1846. Notes are on diseases, including influenza, yellow fever, dropsy, typhus fever, small pox, and various inflammations. The volume includes some color illustrations and a syllabus of Dr. Darrach's lectures. There are also a number of poems at the back of the volume.
Dates: 1845-1846

Charles H. Frazier papers

Identifier: MSS 2/033
Scope and Contents The Charles H. Frazier Papers are divided into three series: a general file, 1901-1941; medical manuscripts, papers, and reprints, 1914-1942; and a medical case file [patient records], 1900-1945. Series 1 contains biographical and bibliographical data of Charles H. Frazier; his correspondence; instructional notes and other documents related to his teaching of medicine; records of the various activities, medical as well as social, in which he was engaged; and personal and miscellaneous...
Dates: 1900 - 1945

Daniel J. Swinney papers

Identifier: MSS 2/085
Scope and Contents This small collection of Daniel J. Swinney's student lecture notes and related papers, recipe book, daybook, and vaccination records, 1808-1827, documents the education and early medical career of an obscure country physician during the early 19th century.The collection is divided into two series. Series 1 concerns Swinney's medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, 1808-1809, and includes a receipt for his 1808-1809 session fee; an 1809 copy of Benjamin Rush's...
Dates: 1808 - 1827

E. B. Krumbhaar papers

Identifier: MSS 2/344
Overview Edward Bell Krumbhaar (1882-1966) was a distinguished pathologist and cardiac physician, as well as one of Philadelphia’s leading historians of medicine. A founder of both the Section on Medical History of the College of Physicians and the American Association of the History of Medicine (AAHM), Krumbhaar also served as president of the College and of the AAHM. The E.B. Krumbhaar papers covers Krumbhaar’s accomplishments and contributions to pathology and cardiac physiology from the early to...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1899 - 1992; 1825 - 1992

Edgar Buyers notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/154
Scope and Contents Volume of student notes taken by Edgar S. Buyers on physiology lectures, probably of Edward Tyson Reichert, at the University of Pennsylvania, 1898-1899.
Dates: 1898 - 1899

Edward A. Schumann papers

Identifier: MSS 2/244
Scope and Contents This small collection of letters, pathological specimen registers, speeches and writings, and miscellaneous material, 1903-1963, documents the career and obstetric and gynecological practice of Edward A. Schumann. Series 1 contains three folders of letters, 1916-1958, from, primarily, obstetricians and gynecologists. The letters concern Schumann's speaking engagements; his presidency of the American Gynecological Society; his appointment as professor of gynecology at the...
Dates: 1903 - 1963

Francis C. Wood papers II

Identifier: MSS 2/228-02
Scope and Contents Personal and professional papers, correspondence, speeches, and records of medical practice and military service, 1925-1989, of Philadelphia, Pa., cardiologist and educator, Francis C. Wood.Series 1 documents Francis C. Wood’s family and personal life, education, and honors and awards, 1949-1984. Includes family correspondence, press releases, and financial and legal papers.General correspondence in Series 2 includes letters of physicians, non-physicians, and letters of...
Dates: 1925 - 1989

Francis Clark Wood papers I

Identifier: MSS 2/228-01
Scope and Contents This collection is the larger of two collections of Francis C. Wood's papers, the other being MSS 2/0228-02. This extensive collection (1892-1989) chronicles the life and career of a 20th century physician, scientist, soldier, administrator, and teacher. The collection is divided roughly evenly among the different phases of his life and career. Because Dr. Wood was a leader in both his community and profession, the collection documents the activities and functioning of many institutions and...
Dates: 1892 - 1989

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  • Names: University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine X

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Lecture notes 23
Correspondence 14
Materia Medica 10
Medicine -- Practices 10
Chemistry 7
∨ more
Anatomy 6
Obstetrics 5
Photographs 5
Speeches (documents) 5
Admission tickets 4
Lectures 4
Pathology 4
Surgery 4
Inflammation 3
Medical students -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 3
Reports 3
Awards 2
Cardiology 2
Clippings 2
Diseases 2
Electrocardiography 2
Examinations -- Questions 2
Fever 2
Ledgers (account books) 2
Manuscripts (documents) 2
Medical offices -- Nineteenth century 2
Medical records 2
Medical societies -- Philadelphia, Pa. 2
Patient records 2
Physiology 2
Publications (documents) 2
Research notes 2
Typescripts 2
Yellow Fever 2
Allegories (document genre) 1
Anatomists 1
Annual reports 1
Articles 1
Autograph albums 1
Bacteriology 1
Biography 1
Biography files 1
Botany, Medical 1
Brain Diseases 1
Cardiologists 1
Case studies 1
Cataract -- Surgery 1
Certificates 1
Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations 1
Committees 1
Competition (Psychology) 1
Daybooks 1
Diaries 1
Diplomas 1
Edema 1
Epidemics 1
Essays 1
Eye -- Diseases 1
Fossils 1
Genealogies (histories) 1
Gynecologists -- Philadelphia, Pa. 1
Gynecology 1
Heart Diseases 1
Hemorrhage 1
Hyperthyroidism 1
Influenza, Human 1
Medical colleges -- Administration 1
Medical colleges -- Curricula 1
Medical offices -- Administrative 1
Medical students 1
Medicine -- United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 1
Memoirs 1
Mental illness 1
Metals 1
Midwifery 1
Military records 1
Mineralogy 1
Mustard gas 1
Naturalists 1
Nervous System -- Diseases 1
Neurosurgeons -- Philadelphia, Pa. 1
Notebooks 1
Nutrition 1
Occupational Medicine 1
Opium 1
Optometry -- History 1
Pharmacy 1
Philadelphia (Pa.) 1
Physicians 1
Physicians -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 1
Physicians -- Philadelphia, Pa. -- Nineteenth century 1
Physicians -- World War, 1939-1945 1
Poetry 1
Poisons 1
Public health -- United States 1
Radium 1
Recipes 1
Reference files 1
Reprints 1
Respiratory Tract Diseases 1
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