Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 10
Charles P. Mercer notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania
Identifier: MSS 2/150
Scope and Contents
The three Charles P. Mercer notebooks contain a record of his
education in the University of Pennsylvania's Department of
Medicine, 1887-1890. Mercer describes cases presented at the Hospital of the University
of Pennsylvania during the clinical instruction of Francis X.
Dercum, William Osler, William Pepper, and Horatio C. Wood.
Several of Osler's cases were presented at Philadelphia Hospital
and the Philadelphia Orthopaedic Hospital and Infirmary for
Nervous Diseases. ...
1887 - 1890
Dyar T. Brainard papers
Identifier: MSS 2/087
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of three holograph addresses of Dyar
T. Brainard. Although all three are undated, approximate dates,
1813, 1821, and 1823, can be derived from the contents of each
address. The third address, circa 1823, may have been the annual
dissertation delivered to the Connecticut State Medical Society;
the other two addresses may have been given before the New London
County Medical Association.
The first address, circa 1813, describes an unknown disease treated...
1813 - 1823
Ernest Spiegel papers
Identifier: MSS 2/251
Ernest A. Spiegel, M.D., was an Austrian-born internationally
recognized neurologist. He emigrated to the United States in 1930,
where he spent much of his career at Temple University School of
Medicine in Philadelphia. He finished his career at the National
Parkinson FOundation in Miami. Spiegel is well-known for his work
in developing the stereotactic technique. He passed away in 1985. The
papers of Ernest Spiegel reflect his varied interests in neurological
research and publication from his...
George Kissam Meynen notes on the lectures of N. M. Shaffer
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/309
Scope and Contents
Volume of notes taken by George Kissam Meynen on orthopedic surgery clinics and lectures of Newton M. Shaffer in the Medical Department of New York University, 1884 Sept. 20-1885 Feb. 13. Includes case histories of individual patients treated at New York Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital.
Joseph DeFeher notebook
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/289
Scope and Contents
Volume, assembled by Joseph DeFeher, of chest radiographs with brief case histories of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania pulmonary infection patients treated with injections of "Guajakodyl", 1937-1940. Several patients treated at Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases. Includes photostats of letters to John W. Cass concerning experiences with compound.
1937 - 1940
Manuscript archives of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Identifier: CPP 1/001-01
The Office of the Secretary of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia created during organization in 1787. Secretary is the appointed officer of record whose original duties included maintenance of College minutes and transactions and preservation of its documents and correspondence.This collection holds correspondence, financial papers, reports, medical cases, and fellowship applications and resignations, 1787-1847, kept by the Secretaries of the College of Physicians of...
1787 - 1847
Notes on influenza at OC 16 (Philadelphia, U.S.) General Hospital
Identifier: MSS 449
Scope and Contents
This small collection consists of handwritten notes and letters. The first few pages of notes are written on the backs of scrap Army Field Service: Infectious Diseases forms, and include subsequent handwritten addendums with notations on where they belong in the notes. The letters indicate that Bradbury and Krumbhaar intended their findings to be shared with authorities in the management of the Influenza Pandemic, and through publications.
Notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Hospital
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/208
Scope and Contents
Volume of notes taken by an unidentified student on the lectures of Joseph Carson on materia medica, William Pepper on the theory and practice of medicine, and Henry H. Smith on surgery in the Department of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, 1862 December 2-1863 January 29, and R. A. F. Penrose on obstetrics at Philadelphia Hospital, 1862 December 10-1863 February 6. Three case descriptions presented by J. M. Da Costa at the hospital are also included.
1862 - 1863
Samuel Jackson papers
Identifier: MSS 2/167
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Samuel Jackson material contains letters
written and received by him, a case history, two bills, and
a recipe, 1835-1864. Most of the letters received and the case history concern descriptions
and treatments of epileptics by physicians, generally alumni
of the University of Pennsylvania who were practicing in the
southern United States. The physicians are: Richard D. Arnold,
William B. Cochran, Francis H. Deane, S. C. Gleaves, Virginius
W. Harrison,...
1835 - 1864
Thomas Hewson essay on the treatment of varicose veins
Identifier: MSS 2/229-02
Scope and Contents
Essay read to College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 29 Oct. 1833, describing cause of varicose veins and treatment by surgery and application of pressure. Includes case description from Pennsylvania Hospital.
Filtered By
- Subject: Case studies X
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Additional filters:
- Names
- Philadelphia General Hospital 2
- Anton, Aaron H. 1
- Blum, B. (Baruch) 1
- Bradbury, Samuel, 1883-1947 1
- Brainard, Dyar T. 1
- Carson, Joseph 1
- Cass, John W. (John William) 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 1
- Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 1
- DeFeher, Joseph 1
- Griffitts, Samuel Powel 1
- Hewson, Thomas T. 1
- International Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy 1
- Jackson, Samuel 1
- Krumbhaar, E. B. (Edward Bell) 1
- Medizinische Universität Wien 1
- Mercer, Charles P. 1
- Meynen, George Kissam 1
- National Parkinson Foundation (US) 1
- New York Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital 1
- New York University. Medical Department 1
- Parke, Thomas 1
- Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 1
- Penrose, R.A.F. (Richard Alexander Fullerton) 1
- Pepper, William 1
- Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases 1
- Shaffer, Newton M. (Newton Melman) 1
- Smith, Henry H. (Henry Hollingsworth) 1
- Spiegel, Elise Fuchs 1
- Spiegel, Ernest A. (Ernest Adolf) 1
- Spiegel, Ignaz 1
- Spiegel-Adolf, Mona 1
- Temple University. School of Medicine 1
- University of Pennsylvania 1
- University of Pennsylvania. Alumni 1
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 1
- Wycis, H. T. (Henry T.) 1 ∧ less
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