Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 34
Allen R. Myers Presidential Papers
Identifier: CPP 2/013-01
Allen R. Myers was born in Baltimore on January 14, 1935. He graduated from University of Pennsylvania and received his M.D. from University of Maryland in 1960; his medical specialties were Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. He spent the majority of his career in academia and was elected College President in 2000 and served two terms. Myers died in January 2020.
This collection dates from 1999-2003, and documents Allen Myers’ time as College President. It contains correspondence, committee...
1972-2006; Majority of material found in 1999-2001
Arthur Asbury Presidential Papers
Identifier: CPP 2/014-01
Arthur K. Asbury, Van Meter Professor of Neurology Emeritus, is one of the country's most noted neurologists, recognized for his clinical and experimental studies of peripheral neuropathies, particularly those related to chronic kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Asbury was born in 1928 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received his bachelor's degree in agriculture from the University of Kentucky in 1951, and went on to study at the University of Cincinnati College of...
2000-2008, undated
College of Physicians Early Records
Identifier: CPP 1/001-02
The College of Physicians Early Records document some of the College of Physicians' earliest activities, including attempts by Fellows to diagnose and treat the 1793 yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia. The collection, which was discovered by chance in 2001 by College foreman Leroy Green, contains letters, manuscripts, and committee reports. Founded in 1787, the College assembled prominent Philadelphia physicians "to advance the science of medicine and to thereby lessen human misery." The...
1788-1847; 1889; 2001
Committee Reports of the Office of the Secretary of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Identifier: CPP 1/006-01
Scope and Contents
The committee reports in this collection are part of the
records of the Office of the Secretary of the College of
Physicians of Philadelphia. The reports span the tenures of
six secretaries of the College of Physicians: John H.
Packard (1862-1877), William G, Porter (1877-1879), Richard
A, Cleemann (1879-1885), Isaac Norris, Jr. (1885-1890),
Charles W, Dulles (1890-1896), and Thomas R. Neilson (1896-
1914), The reports, spanning 1867 to 1911, were produced by
various ad-hoc committees appointed...
1867 - 1910
Correspondence file of James C. Wilson
Identifier: CPP 2/005-01
Scope and Contents
Collection, 1912-1916, containing original incoming letters with copies of outgoing letters of James Cornelius Wilson (1847-1934), President of the College of Physicians from 1913 to 1915. Letters are arranged chronologically. Addressed in the letters are general matters of the presidency, such as appointing committee members and chairmen; planning the College lecture schedule; and corresponding with Treasurer John B. Roberts about finances. Also included is correspondence with Secretary Thomas...
1913 - 1916
General correspondence file of Katharine R. Sturgis
Identifier: CPP 2/002-02
Scope and Contents
The general correspondence files of Katharine R. Sturgis, spanning 1972 to 1978, consist primarily of correspondence and photographs. The majority of the correspondence spans 1972 to 1973 and pertains to Sturgis' role as President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia and as an active member in numerous Philadelphia area medical organizations. Also present is material relating to the September 1972 Louis Pasteur Wine Tasting Party and photographs documenting the October 1972 banquet held...
1972 - 1978
George P. Rosemond correspondence
Identifier: CPP 2/007-02
This collection contains a small amount of George Rosemond’s correspondence, 1978-1980, from his tenure as President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.George P. Rosemond was born in 1910 in Hillsboro, North Carolina. He earned his medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine in 1934 and completed his internship and residency at Temple University Hospital. He then joined the Department of Surgery at Temple, where he remained until he retired in 1981....
John Hubbard presidential papers
Identifier: CPP 2/010
This collection dates from 1974 to 1978, and documents John Hubbard’s time as College President. It contains correspondence; committee and annual meeting reports, including the Long Range Planning Committee; information relating to the College’s Continuing Medical Education Program for cardiovascular medicine; correspondence of the Section on Medical History; and a scrapbook of correspondence and other documentation about the Restoration Fund (part of the Third Century fundraising...
Presidential papers of G. E. De Schweinitz
Identifier: CPP 2/006-01
Scope and Contents
Collection, 1909-1913, of original incoming letters with copies of outgoing letters of George Edmund De Schweinitz (1858-1938), President of the College of Physicians from 1910 to 1912. Each volume contains the correspondence of one year of his presidency and is arranged by subject. Included is correspondence pertaining to scientific meetings of the College, the Council, committees and sections of the College, the Library, the preparation of memoirs, the presentation of lectures, and the...
1910 - 1912
Presidential papers of George P. Rosemond
Identifier: CPP 2/007-01
Scope and Contents
The collection contains George P, Rosemond's chronological
file, 1978-1980, from his tenure as President of the
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. The bulk of the file
contains incoming and copies of outgoing letters as well as
copies of letters sent by William F. Chaveas, Executive
Director of the College.The bulk of the correspondence concerns appointments to
committees; acknowledgements of gifts and contributions, ·
particularly to the College Library's salvage fund...
1978 - 1980
Filtered By
- Subject: Committees X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 11
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia 6
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 5
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Executive Director 3
- Micozzi, Marc S. 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Directory for Nurses 2
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Women's Committee 2
- Hubbard, John P. (John Perry) 2
- Langfitt, Thomas W. 2
- McDaniel, W. B., II (Walton Brooks) 2
- Medical Library Association 2
- Morse, Elliott H. (Elliott How) 2
- O'Donnell, John M. 2
- Rosemond, George P. 2
- Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 2
- American College of Physicians 1
- Asbury, Arthur K. 1
- Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper 1
- Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 1
- Blumstein, George I. (George Isaac) 1
- Buchanan, George, 1763-1808 1
- Cathrall, Isaac, 1764-1819 1
- Chaveas, William F. (William Francis) 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Alvarenga Prize Committee 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Lectures 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on an Amendment to the Charter 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Nathan Lewis Hatfield Prize and Lectureship 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Operations 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. William F. Jenks Prize Committee 1
- Currie, William, 1754-1828 1
- Cutbush, Edward, 1772-1843 1
- De Schweinitz, G. E. (George Edmund) 1
- Duffield, Samuel 1
- Durham, James 1
- Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine 1
- Gebhard, Lewis P., 1791-1873 1
- Glentwroth, Plunket Fleeson 1
- Greater Philadelphia Committee for Medical-Pharmaceutical Sciences 1
- Griffitts, Samuel Powel 1
- Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 1
- Hewson, Thomas T. 1
- Hochberg, Mark 1
- Hodgson, Samuel 1
- Leib, Michael, 1761-1822 1
- Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 1
- Mitchill, Samuel L. (Samuel Latham), 1764-1831 1
- Myers, Allen R. 1
- Mütter Museum 1
- Parke, Thomas 1
- Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827 1
- Philadelphia General Hospital 1
- Rush, Benjamin 1
- Say, Benjamin, 1755-1813 1
- Scheffey, Lewis C. (Lewis Cass) 1
- Schnabel, Truman G. 1
- Schnabel, Truman G., Sr. 1
- Schultz, Benjamin, 1772-1814 1
- Stevens, Edward W., 1755?-1834 1
- Tilton, James, 1745-1822 1
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 1
- Vaughan, John, 1756-1841 1
- Waters, Nicholas Baker, 1764-1796 1
- Wilson, J. C. (James Cornelius) 1 ∧ less
∨ more