Showing Collections: 1 - 7 of 7
Anna M. McAllister notes on lectures from Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/056
Scope and Contents
Volume contains notes on lectures taken by Anna M. McAllister during third year of study at Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Nov. 1872-Mar. 1873. Lecturers not identified but are: Rachel L. Bodley on chemistry; Emeline H. Cleveland on obstetrics and diseases of women; Isaac Comly on practice of medicine; Henry Hartshorne on diseases of children and hygiene; Charles Hermon Thomas on materia medica; and Benjamin B. Wilson on surgery. Lectures identified by subject and...
1872 - 1873
Douglas P. Murphy Papers
Identifier: MSS 419
Douglas P. Murphy (1893-1971) served as a surgeon in the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) with the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during World War I. During his military service, Murphy worked in several medical hospitals in France from 1917 until the war’s end in 1918. Surviving the war intact, and even managing to get married during his time overseas, Murphy returned home to Philadelphia and opened his own obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) practice. His clinical experience eventually...
Edward A. Schumann papers
Identifier: MSS 2/244
Scope and Contents
This small collection of letters, pathological specimen registers,
speeches and writings, and miscellaneous material, 1903-1963,
documents the career and obstetric and gynecological practice
of Edward A. Schumann.
Series 1 contains three folders of letters, 1916-1958, from,
primarily, obstetricians and gynecologists. The letters concern
Schumann's speaking engagements; his presidency of the American
Gynecological Society; his appointment as professor of gynecology
at the...
1903 - 1963
Jacques Lamarque notes on the lectures of Jacques Lazerme
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/088
Scope and Contents
Volume of student notes taken in Latin by Jacques Lamarque on lectures of Jacques Lazerme at
Montpellier, France, 1729. Contents include descriptions and treatment of internal diseases, such as
mania and epilepsy, then diseases of eye, ear, nose, mouth and teeth, chest, abdomen, fevers, diseases
of women, diseases of infants, and venereal diseases. Section on venereal diseases may be based on
either lectures of Jean Astruc or Astruc’s teachings as related by Lazerme.Entitled...
John Strahan essay of the William F. Jenks Prize Committee
Identifier: CPP 10/003-02
The William F. Jenks Memorial Trust was established in 1885 by Helen F. Jenks to honor the memory of her husband. The trust placed $5000 under the care of three trustees who would see that the income from the trust generated a cash prize to be awarded every three years in an essay competition sponsored by the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. The essays were to concern some aspect of obstetrics, gynecology, or the diseases of children. Each prize essay was distinguished by a motto and the...
Lecture notes from the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/116
Scope and Contents
Notes from clinics on medical subjects given by faculty at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and
Hospital, 28 Feb. 1902-19 Apr. 1902. Occasional notes from A. E. Turman’s observations of clinics at Bellevue
Hospital and the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Feb. 1902, included. Also included are
recipes and notes on materia medica, 1906, and one folder of prescriptions. Topics addressed at the New York
Post-Graduate Medical School include diseases of the ear, nose,...
1902 - 1906
Margaret Castex Sturgis papers
Identifier: MSS 2/020
Scope and Contents
This small collection of papers of Margaret Castex Sturgis touches
on many aspects of her medical career and interests during her
time in the Philadelphia area. The collection is particularly
strong in the areas of gynecology and cervical cancer research.The collection is divided into six small series. Series 1 concerns
Sturgis' teaching career while at Woman's Medical College.
The bulk of this series is the text of a complete course of
twelve lectures on gynecology from...
1927 - 1946
Filtered By
- Subject: Gynecology X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 2
- Allen, Charles Warrenne 1
- American Gynecological Society 1
- Bellevue Hospital 1
- Boldt, H. J. (Hermann Joh) 1
- Burt, Stephen Smith 1
- Caillé, Augustus 1
- Chapin, Henry Dwight 1
- Cline, Benjamin F. 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. William F. Jenks Prize Committee 1
- Collins, Joseph 1
- De Garmo, William Burton 1
- Douglass, Beaman 1
- Edebohls, George M. (George Michael) 1
- Einhorn, Max 1
- Fuller, Eugene 1
- Gant, Samuel Goodwin 1
- Guiteras, Ramon 1
- Hammond, Graeme M. (Graeme Monroe) 1
- Lamarque, Jacques 1
- Lloyd, Samuel 1
- Lusk, Thurston G. (Thurston Gilman) 1
- McAllister, Anna M. 1
- McKernon, James F. (James Francis) 1
- Meyer, Willy 1
- Morris, Robert T. (Robert Tuttle) 1
- Morton, William J. (William James) 1
- Murphy, Douglas P. (Douglas Power ) 1
- New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital 1
- New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital 1
- Phelps, A. M. (Abel Mix) 1
- Phillips, Wendell Christopher 1
- Plimpton, Warren O. (Warren Oscar) 1
- Polak, John Osborn 1
- Porter, William H. (William Henry) 1
- Powell, Seneca D. 1
- Schumann, Edward A. (Edward Armin) 1
- Strahan, John 1
- Stubbert, J. Edward (James Edward) 1
- Sturgis, Margaret Castex 1
- Turman, A. E. (Alexander Emmett) 1
- United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces 1
- United States. Army. Medical Reserve Corps 1
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 1
- Waldo, Ralph 1
- Weber, Leonard 1 ∧ less
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