Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 29
Alexander Knight daybooks
Identifier: MSS 412
Scope and Contents note
This collection consists of two volumes of Knight's lists of patients attended, 1813-1815 and 1820-1821. The lists include the date, name, age, residence, cost, diagnosis, and outcome. The first volume also includes a summary table of patients seen by month for the years 1813 through 1817. The second volume includes the profession as well as the referring person of the patient in some of the entries.
American Hospital of Paris case records
Identifier: MSS 434
The American Hospital of Paris was founded in 1906. Seven years later the United States Congress recognized the hospital under Title 36 of the United States Code on January 30, 1913. During World War I in March 1918, the French government decreed the hospital to be "an institution of public benefit", authorizing it to receive donations.[1] The hospital is now the only civilian hospital in Europe accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC), an independent organization that accredits...
Benjamin Coates cashbook and ledger
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS 2/095
Scope and Contents
Two volumes documenting B. H. Coates’ financial situation and medical practice in Philadelphia, 18421853.
Cash book contains a chronological account of Coates’ expenses and receipts, 19 July 18456
June 1853; several accounts carried over from the ledger of practice. Ledger of practice, 18421846,
organized alphabetically by name of patient or account, includes notes on procedures performed,
identification and address of patients, and settlement of accounts. Ledger includes a copy of Coates’...
1842 - 1853
Benjamin Rush papers
Identifier: MSS 426
Benjamin Rush, Philadelphia physician, in 1745 o.s. in Byberry Township. In 1768, he received his M.D. from the University of Edinburgh. He helped to establish the Philadelphia Dispensary and was a physician there until his death. Rush was also a member of the Provincial Congress in 1776, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and, in 1777, became Surgeon General of the Continental Army. He was a Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia from 1787 to 1793.The...
Charles H. Frazier papers
Identifier: MSS 2/033
Scope and Contents
The Charles H. Frazier Papers are divided into three series:
a general file, 1901-1941; medical manuscripts, papers, and
reprints, 1914-1942; and a medical case file [patient records],
Series 1 contains biographical and bibliographical data of Charles
H. Frazier; his correspondence; instructional notes and other
documents related to his teaching of medicine; records of the
various activities, medical as well as social, in which he was
engaged; and personal and miscellaneous...
1900 - 1945
Daniel J. Swinney papers
Identifier: MSS 2/085
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Daniel J. Swinney's student lecture
notes and related papers, recipe book, daybook, and vaccination
records, 1808-1827, documents the education and early medical
career of an obscure country physician during the early 19th
century.The collection is divided into two series. Series 1 concerns
Swinney's medical education at the University of Pennsylvania,
1808-1809, and includes a receipt for his 1808-1809 session
fee; an 1809 copy of Benjamin Rush's...
1808 - 1827
Ernest Spiegel papers
Identifier: MSS 2/251
Ernest A. Spiegel, M.D., was an Austrian-born internationally
recognized neurologist. He emigrated to the United States in 1930,
where he spent much of his career at Temple University School of
Medicine in Philadelphia. He finished his career at the National
Parkinson FOundation in Miami. Spiegel is well-known for his work
in developing the stereotactic technique. He passed away in 1985. The
papers of Ernest Spiegel reflect his varied interests in neurological
research and publication from his...
George Hamilton Chambers book of prescriptions
Identifier: 10a 468
Scope and Contents
One volume of 150 prescriptions dated 2 Sept. 1887 to 18 Dec. 1898. Each entry lists patient name, prescription, and date. Some entries also contain patient address and indications. Several leaves are missing for Jan. through late March 1892.
1887 - 1898
George J. Hermann daybooks and diaries
Identifier: MSS 414
George Joseph Hermann was born in 1873 in Newport, Kentucky, and graduated from the Medical College of Ohio in 1894. In April 1895, he set up his own practice in Newport, Kentucky. Hermann operated as the general physician for Newport, and later served on the Board of Trustees for Speers Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, and taught anatomy at the Nurses’ Training School of Speers Hospital. He died on June 8, 1933, after a two-months long illness.This collection consists of two bound...
H. Lenox Hodge casebooks
Identifier: 10b 57
Scope and Contents
Five volumes of collected notebooks (35 p. each), filled in by hand and dated 1876-1880. Bound in are details of cases, patients’ and physicians’ letters, prescriptions, etc. Each printed notebook is designed specifically for Hodge’s patients
having ovarian tumors or abdominal enlargements, bears the imprint Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1875, and includes detailed sections for notes on the patient’s general condition, history, examination, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, progress,...
1876 - 1880
Filtered By
- Subject: Patient records X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- Rush, Benjamin 2
- University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 2
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 2
- Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 2
- Academy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of Philadelphia 1
- American Hospital of Paris 1
- Anderson, Hermann B. 1856-1924 (Hermann Boerhaave) 1
- Anton, Aaron H. 1
- Blum, B. (Baruch) 1
- Carter, John T. (John Thomas) 1
- Chambers, George Hamilton 1
- Coates, Benjamin Hornor 1
- Fall River Hospital. Woman's Board. Executive Committee 1
- Female High School (Easton, Pa.) 1
- Frazier, Charles H. (Charles Harrison) 1
- Green, Traill 1
- Hartshorne, Henry 1
- Haverford College 1
- Hermann, George J. (George Joseph) 1
- Hodge, H. Lenox (Hugh Lenox) 1
- Hunter, Samuel B. 1
- Hyde, John A. (John Angier) 1
- International Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy 1
- Jefferson Medical College 1
- Jones, A. P. (Andersen Porter) 1
- Jones, J. P. (James Porter) 1
- Jones, L. P. (Latimer Porter) 1
- Knight, Alexander 1
- Leidy, Joseph 1
- Medical College of Ohio (Cincinnati, Ohio) 1
- Medizinische Universität Wien 1
- Mellor, Howard 1
- Mial, L. L. 1
- National Parkinson Foundation (US) 1
- Neilson, Thomas R. (Thomas Rundle) 1
- Osler, William, Sir 1
- Parsons, Israel 1
- Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 1
- Philadelphia Council. Water Committee 1
- Philadelphia Orthopaedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases 1
- Philadelphia State Hospital (Pa.) 1
- Presbyterian Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Public Charities Association of Pennsylvania 1
- Risley, S. D. (Samuel Doty) 1
- Scheller, Otto 1
- Spiegel, Elise Fuchs 1
- Spiegel, Ernest A. (Ernest Adolf) 1
- Spiegel, Ignaz 1
- Spiegel-Adolf, Mona 1
- Sturgis, Margaret Castex 1
- Swinney, Daniel J. 1
- Synnott, Myles 1
- Temple University. School of Medicine 1
- Tyson, James 1
- U.S.A. General Hospital. 2nd Ward (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- United States. Marine Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General 1
- University of Pennsylvania. Auxiliary Faculty of Medicine 1
- Wycis, H. T. (Henry T.) 1 ∧ less
∨ more