Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 29
Alexander Jackson notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/196
Scope and Contents
Alexander Jackson’s notes, 26 January through 27 February 1824, from lectures in Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Includes occasional diagrams and subject index. Lecturers include: Nathaniel Chapman on the practice of medicine, John Redman Coxe on materia medica, William Gibson on surgery, and William P. Dewees and Thomas C. James on midwifery. Includes occasional notes on Robert Hare on chemistry and Philip Syng Physick on anatomy.
Alfred R. Shands, Jr. papers on William E. Horner
Identifier: MSS 2/090
Scope and Contents
This small collection of correspondence and related materials,
1821-1975, assembled by Alfred Rives Shands, Jr., documents
his research on William E. Horner. The collection is divided into four series. Series 1 contains
Shands' correspondence, 1948-1975, concerning the loan and ultimate
disposition of a collection of Horner papers and relics at the
University of Pennsylvania and Shands' attempt to publish Horner's
1821 European diary. Series 2 contains two printed items...
1821 - 1975
Burton Alexander Randall record of anomalies found in the dissecting rooms of the University of Pennsylvania
Identifier: 10a 55
Scope and Contents
One volume of illustrations and descriptions of 333 anatomical anomalies of the arterial system (204), muscular system (88), and nervous system (44) found in the dissecting rooms of the University of Pennsylvania. Includes summary chart at end. Submitted to H. Lenox Hodge, Demonstrator of Anatomy, for the Anatomical Prize.
1878 - 1879
Charles G. Fowler lecture notes from the University of Pennsylvania
Identifier: MSS 2/027
Scope and Contents
The three volumes of Charles G. Fowler's collection of lecture
notes documents the study of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
circa 1826. Volumes 1 and 2 consist of detailed notes from
Nathaniel Chapman's course on Practice, Institutes, and Clinical
Medicine. The notes describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment
of fevers, blood diseases, consumption, asthma, and stomach
disorders. There is a brief contemporary table of contents to
Volume 1; a complete listing of contents for...
circa 1826-1828
Christian C. Vedder notes on lectures at Albany Medical College
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/181
Scope and Contents
Student notes taken by C. C. Vedder on lectures at Albany Medical College, 181. Lecturers are: James H. Armsby on surgery John M. Bigelow on materia medica H. R. Haskins on anatomy John . Lansing on physiology James McNaughton on the theory and practice of medicine Maurice Perkins on chemistry William P. Seymour on obstetrics and Albert Vanderveer on microscopical anatomy. Notes on clinical cases included.
Frank Orthmer Nagle record of anomalies found in the dissecting room of the University of Pennsylvania
Identifier: 10a 58
Scope and Contents
One volume ([28] p.) of descriptions of anomalies of the arterial system, the venous system, the muscular system, the
nervous system, the osseous system, cartilage, and viscera. Each description refers to the subject’s number, gender, race
and age.
1878 - 1879
Fred D. Weidman papers
Identifier: MSS 2/182
Scope and Contents
The collection of Fred D. Weidman's papers, 1896-1933 contains
student notebooks and papers; correspondence and reports concerning
a 1926 survey on fungal disease; drawings and photographs; and
some miscellaneous writings.The bulk of the collection is concerned with Weidman's education,
both in secondary school and in the Department of Medicine at
the University of Pennsylvania. Series 1 contains 28 volumes
of student notes on many subjects. The notes from Weidman's
1896 - 1933
Guy Hinsdale record of anomalies found in the dissecting rooms of the University of Pennsylvania
Identifier: 10a 51
Scope and Contents
One volume of illustrations and descriptions of anatomical anomalies found in the dissecting rooms of the University of Pennsylvania during the sessions 1879-1880 and 1880-1881. Submitted to H. Lenox Hodge, Demonstrator of Anatomy,
for the Anatomical Prize.
1879 - 1881
Henry H. Whitehouse notes on lectures from Yale University’s Sheffield Scientific School
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/166
Scope and Contents
Notes taken by Henry H. Whitehouse on lectures of Sidney I. Smith on comparative anatomy (pp. 1-24) and R. H. Chittenden on physiological chemistry (pp. 119-164) at Yale University’s Sheffield Scientific School, circa 1885. Includes drawings of dissections of frogs, cats, and rabbits and microscopic observations of yeast, bacteria, and cells from skin, bone, and various organs.
circa 1885
Howard Fackenthall record of anomalies found in the dissecting rooms of the University of Pennsylvania
Identifier: 10a 49
Scope and Contents
One volume of 459 descriptions of anatomical anomalies as discovered in the dissecting rooms of the University of Pennsylvania during the 1875-1876 session. Includes letters at end to Dr. H. Lenox Hodge submitting this manuscript in competition for the best practical study of anatomy and for the best record of anomalies. Printed notice of anatomical prizes pasted on front flyleaf.
1875 - 1876
Filtered By
- Subject: Anatomy X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- University of Pennsylvania 10
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 6
- Hodge, H. Lenox (Hugh Lenox) 5
- Chapman, Nathaniel 3
- Coxe, John Redman 3
- Gibson, William 3
- Hare, Robert 3
- James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 3
- Physick, Philip Syng 3
- Dewees, William P. (William Potts) 2
- Jefferson Medical College 2
- Leidy, Joseph 2
- Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1
- Albany Medical College 1
- American Mt. Zion Sunday School (Frederick Township, Pa.) 1
- Armsby, James H. (James Harvey) 1
- Atlee, John L. (John Light) 1
- Biddle, John B. (John Barclay) 1
- Bigelow, Jacob 1
- Bigelow, John M. (John Milton) 1
- Bisbé, Joseph J. 1
- Cabell, J. L. (James Lawrence) 1
- Carbonell, Louis Philip 1
- Central High School (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Channing, Walter 1
- Chittenden, R. H. ((Russell Henry),) 1
- Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 1
- Dickson, Samuel Henry 1
- Dunglison, Robley 1
- Edgar, John Marion 1
- Faber, Erwin F. 1
- Faber, Hermann 1
- Faber, Ludwig E. 1
- Fackenthall, Howard 1
- Faust, Jonathan N. 1
- Faust, Peter 1
- Foulkrod, John K. 1
- Fowler, Charles G. 1
- Franklin Pharmaceutical Institute 1
- Fritchey, John Augustus 1
- Gorham, John 1
- Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 1
- Harvard Medical School 1
- Haskins, H. R. (Henry R.) 1
- Hinsdale, Guy 1
- Hollembaek, Henry 1
- Horner, William E. (William Edmonds) 1
- Hughes, William Ellery 1
- Jackson, Alexander 1
- Jackson, James 1
- Lansing, John V. 1
- Leidy 1
- Leidy, Joseph, Jr. 1
- McMurtie, Henry 1
- McNaughton, James 1
- Monro, Alexander 1
- Murdoch, Russell 1
- Nagle, Frank Orthmer 1
- Pancoast, Joseph 1
- Parke, Thomas 1
- Perkins, Maurice 1
- Rand, B. Howard (Benjamin Howard) 1
- Randall, Burton Alexander 1
- Seymour, William P. (William Pierce) 1
- Shands, Alfred Rives, Jr. 1
- Smith, Sidney I. (Sidney Irving) 1
- Stirling, W. R. (William R.) 1
- Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 1
- Sturgis, Samuel Booth 1
- Summerville, John Freeman 1
- University of Edinburgh 1
- University of Virginia. School of Medicine 1
- Vander Veer, Albert 1
- Vedder, C. C. (Christian C.) 1
- Wallace, Ellerslie 1
- Warren, John Collins 1
- Weidman, Fred D. 1
- Whitehouse, Henry H. (Henry Howard) 1
- Wiley, John 1
- Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School 1 ∧ less
∨ more