Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 15
Alexander Rush papers
Identifier: MSS 2/243
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Alexander Rush's papers, 1931-1984, with
some earlier material, documents his personal life, professional
career, and interest in his ancestor, Benjamin Rush, and includes
lectures and addresses, writings, awards, certificates, diplomas,
and photographs.Series 1 contains letters, a passport, curricula vitae, bibliographies,
and printed material concerning Rush's life and career, 1922-1984.
Material, 1812-1981, concerning Benjamin Rush (1746-1813)
is in...
1812 - 1984; Majority of material found within 1931 - 1984
Charles F. Guillou papers
Identifier: MSS 2/253
Scope and Contents
The collection, 1818-1899, contains autobiographical reminiscences
and sketchbooks documenting the naval career and voyages of
surgeon Charles F. Guillou. Also included are several letters,
family papers and obituaries, and photographs.Series 1 contains several volumes of Guillou's incomplete autobiographical
reminiscences, describing his childhood; education, classmates,
and faculty at the American Classicaljand Military
Lyceum; experiences in Cuba in 1836; courtship and...
1818 - 1899
Edward Oram Shakespeare papers
Identifier: MSS 2/338
Scope and Contents
The papers of Edward Oram Shakespeare reflect the versatility of his interests. The bulk of the
medically-related papers concern his work on the Cholera Commission, as an attendee at the
International Sanitary Conference and during his service in the Spanish American War. Other
medical material includes publications and correspondence. Most of non-medical material consists
of family papers, which contain a great deal of genealogical material.Original order was almost completely...
1727 - 1916; Majority of material found within 1876 - 1900
J. Montgomery Deaver papers
Identifier: MSS 2/124
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Deaver family papers, 1903-1978, assembled
by J. Montgomery Deaver, contains biographical information on
family members; financial material, particularly papers concerning
the estate of Deaver's mother, Caroline Randall Deaver; two
typescript addresses on surgical topics by Deaver's father,
John B. Deaver; and several photographs of John B. Deaver and
J. Montgomery Deaver.
1903 - 1978
James Tyson papers
Identifier: MSS 442
James Tyson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1841. He earned his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1863, and served as acting assistant surgeon in the United States Army and resident physician at the Pennsylvania Hospital. Later he served as professor of pathology at Penn. Tyson succeeded William Pepper as chair in the practice of medicine, a position he held until 1914. He was elected a Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia in 1866, and served as its...
circa 1873-1914; undated
John Dauntesey recipe book
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/070
Scope and Contents
Volume contains recipes, manuscript copies of printed medical and chemical works, and genealogical
information, 16521683.
Volume contains recipes and prescriptions in English and Latin, in various
hands, on pages 110
and 111212.
There are several references to James Blackburn, who may have
owned or compiled the volume originally, then given it to John Dauntesey in 1652. Several prescriptions
are specifics against plague. Pages 11100
contain manuscript copy of works printed in London in...
1652 - 1683
John Ecky papers
Identifier: MSS 2/328
Scope and Contents
Organized into three series: I. Diary, 1845-1849. II. Recipe book, 1851-1866. III. Miscellaneous, 1842-1915.The collection contains a diary, 1845-1849, recipe book, 1851-1866, and miscellaneous items, 1842-1915, documenting the professional and personal life of Philadelphia (Pa.) apothecary John H. Ecky (b. 1812). Series 1 consists of a diary, 1845-1849. The diary contains periodic, sometimes daily, entries regarding primarily Mr. Ecky’s personal life. Entries of medical interest...
1842 - 1915; Majority of material found within 1842 - 1866
Jonathan Faust notebook
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/071
Scope and Contents
Volume documents Jonathan N. Faust’s education at Jefferson Medical College, 1866-1867,
contains recipes, Faust family genealogical material, and miscellaneous material, 1867-1881.
Pages 167
contain notes on medical clinic of J. M. Da Costa and surgical clinic of Samuel D. Gross and notes
from lectures of John B. Biddle on materia medica; Samuel H. Dickson on practice of medicine; Robley
Dunglison on institutes of medicine; William H. Pancoast on anatomy; B. Howard Rand on chemistry;...
1866 - 1881
Maud Richards collection on the Ashhurst, Eyre, and Leiper family papers
Identifier: MSS 2/073
Scope and Contents
This small collection of genealogical research, photographs, printed
material, and manuscript material, 1813-1964, assembled by Maud
Richards, documents the history of members of the Ashhurst,
Eyre, and Leiper families of Philadelphia.Series 1 contains a manuscript genealogy, compiled circa 1933,
with information on the Eyre, Connolly, Little, and Ashhurst
families. Many original manuscript items, chiefly receipts,
payment orders, and signature cuttings, have been inserted...
1813 - 1964
Max B. Lurie papers
Identifier: MSS 2/115
Scope and Contents
The collection contains correspondence, personal papers, addresses,
and writings, 1926-1967, of Max B. Lurie, documenting his life,
professional career, and research into genetic resistance to
tuberculosis.Lurie's professional correspondence, 1928-1966, is preserved
in Series 1. Principal correspondents are Lurie's colleagues
or collaborators in tuberculosis research, many of them associated
with the Henry Phipps Institute of the University of Pennsylvania,
including Samuel...
1926 - 1957
Filtered By
- Subject: Genealogies (histories) X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- American Mt. Zion Sunday School (Frederick Township, Pa.) 1
- Ashhurst (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Athenaeum of Philadelphia 1
- Barton, William Paul Crillon 1
- Biddle, John B. (John Barclay) 1
- Billings, F. S. (Frank Seaver) 1
- Burrill, Thomas J. (Thomas Jonathan) 1
- Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 1
- Dauntesey, John 1
- Deaver, J. Montgomery (Joshua Montgomery) 1
- Dickson, Samuel Henry 1
- Dunglison, Robley 1
- Ecky family 1
- Ecky, John H. 1
- Eyre (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Faust, Jonathan N. 1
- Faust, Peter 1
- Franklin Pharmaceutical Institute 1
- Gamoran, Emanuel 1
- General Electirc Company 1
- Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 1
- Guilloû, Charles F. (Charles Fleury) 1
- Henry Phipps Institute 1
- Hollandus, Johan Isaäc 1
- Hollembaek, Henry 1
- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Medical Clinic. Gastro Instestinal Section 1
- International Sanitary Conference (1894) 1
- Isham, Nelson 1
- Ives, Eli 1
- Jefferson Medical College 1
- Jewell, Wilson 1
- Leiper (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Lurie, Max B. (Max Bernard) 1
- Miller, T. Grier (Thomas Grier) 1
- Pancoast, Joseph 1
- Paracelsus 1
- Pennsylvania Hospital. Benjamin Franklin Clinic 1
- Penot, Bernard Georges 1
- Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 1
- Potts, William John 1
- Rand, B. Howard (Benjamin Howard) 1
- Richards, Maud (Emma Matilda Ashhurst) 1
- Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases 1
- Rush, Alexander 1
- Rush, Benjamin 1
- Shakespeare, Edward O. (Edward Oram) 1
- Tyson, James 1
- United States Exploring Expedition (United States Exploring Expedition) 1
- University of Pennsylvania 1
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 1
- Wallace, Ellerslie 1
- Wilkes, Charles 1
- Wilson (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Wilson, J. C. (James Cornelius) 1
- Wilson, W. Reynolds, William Reynolds 1
- Yale College. Medical Institution 1 ∧ less
∨ more