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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 106

John Wiley papers

Identifier: MSS 2/059
Scope and Contents This small collection of five notebooks documents John Wiley's medical education at Jefferson Medical College, 1835-1837, and gives some sketchy information about his later professional life.The heart of the collection consists of one volume of Wiley's notes (1835-1837) on the lectures of Jefferson faculty, including: Samuel Colhoun on materia medica; Robley Dunglison on physiology; Jacob Green on chemistry; George McClellan on surgery; Granville Sharp Pattison on anatomy;...
Dates: 1834 - 1855

John Yardley Clark notes on the lectures of John Syng Dorsey

Identifier: 10a 306
Scope and Contents One volume (131, 250, 11 leaves) of notes on materia medica lectures delivered by John Syng Dorsey at the University of Pennsylvania. The first section is a general lecture on therapeutics, which includes subsection “the modus operandi of medicines”. The second section covers bloodletting and the following materia medica: emetics, cathartics, diuretics, antilithics, diaphoretics, sialagogues, emenagogues, anthelmintics, stimulants, narcotics, antispasmodics, tonics, and epispastics. The last...
Dates: 1816 - 1817

Jonathan Archer notes on the lectures of Benjamin Rush

Identifier: 10a 453
Scope and Contents Volume 4 and 5 of a set of notes taken by John Archer on the lectures of Benjamin Rush, delivered at the University of Pennsylvania from 1796-1797. Topics covered include pathology, the causes of disease, therapeutics, and the practice of medicine, particularly in the case of fevers.
Dates: 1796 - 1797

Jonathan Faust notebook

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/071
Scope and Contents Volume documents Jonathan N. Faust’s education at Jefferson Medical College, 1866-1867, and contains recipes, Faust family genealogical material, and miscellaneous material, 1867-1881. Pages 167 contain notes on medical clinic of J. M. Da Costa and surgical clinic of Samuel D. Gross and notes from lectures of John B. Biddle on materia medica; Samuel H. Dickson on practice of medicine; Robley Dunglison on institutes of medicine; William H. Pancoast on anatomy; B. Howard Rand on chemistry;...
Dates: 1866 - 1881

Joseph G. Richardson papers

Identifier: MSS 432
Overview Joseph Gibbons Richardson was born in Philadelphia in 1836. He earned his M.D. in 1862 from the University of Pennsylvania, and later was a lecturer on pathological anatomy and professor of hygiene. Richardson is best known for his contributions to the field of medical microscopy. He died in Philadelphia in 1886.The Joseph G. Richardson papers date from 1862 to 1887, and document Richardson’s professional career as a physician in 19th-century Philadelphia, including letters to...
Dates: 1862-1887; undated

Joseph Galloway Shippen notes on the lectures of Benjamin Rush

Identifier: 10a 108
Scope and Contents Three volumes of notes on lectures given by Benjamin Rush at the University of Pennsylvania on the topics of pathology, therapeutics, and the practice of medicine. There are two sets of notes on the practice of medicine; one set of notes is in the form of questions.
Dates: 1809 - 1810

Joseph W. Paul notes on the lectures of Joseph Parrish

Identifier: 10a 452
Scope and Contents One volume (68 leaves) of notes on lectures by Joseph Parrish delivered privately circa 1830. Lacks title page. Lecturer identified by comparison with W.W. Gerhard’s notes on Parrish’s lectures. Paul’s text begins with leaf 53 of Gerhard’s text. Topics covered include fevers and gastrointestinal diseases.
Dates: circa 1830

Lecture notes from the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/116
Scope and Contents Notes from clinics on medical subjects given by faculty at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 28 Feb. 1902-19 Apr. 1902. Occasional notes from A. E. Turman’s observations of clinics at Bellevue Hospital and the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, Feb. 1902, included. Also included are recipes and notes on materia medica, 1906, and one folder of prescriptions. Topics addressed at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School include diseases of the ear, nose,...
Dates: 1902 - 1906

Leonard Lawrence notes on the lectures of Nathaniel Chapman

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/083
Scope and Contents Three volumes bound as one containing beginning of Chapman’s lecture course on practice of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Volume 1 concerns description and treatment of fevers, including yellow fever; volume 2, hemorrhages; and volume 3, respiratory diseases, including croup, asthma, and consumption.
Dates: 1818 - 1820

Nathan L. Hatfield papers

Identifier: MSS 2/213
Scope and Contents This small collection of Nathan L. Hatfield's papers, 1821-1826, documents his medical education and early career and personal interests. The collection contains notes on lectures from both the University of Pennsylvania and the first session of Jefferson Medical College. Also included are a few samples of Hatfield's writings, such as the draft of an application to the Managers of the Philadelphia Alms House for resident student status, essays, a eulogy on Samuel Williston Lebeau, and the...
Dates: 1821 - 1826

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  • Subject: Lecture notes X

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University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 23
University of Pennsylvania 19
Chapman, Nathaniel 15
Rush, Benjamin 10
Jefferson Medical College 8
∨ more
Coxe, John Redman 6
Physick, Philip Syng 6
Dorsey, John Syng 5
University of Edinburgh 5
Gibson, William 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia 3
Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 3
Dunglison, Robley 3
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 3
Hare, Robert 3
Harvard Medical School 3
James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 3
Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 3
Parrish, Joseph 3
Philadelphia General Hospital 3
Wallace, Ellerslie 3
Wood, George B. (George Bacon) 3
Biddle, John B. (John Barclay) 2
Bigelow, Jacob 2
Carson, Joseph 2
Channing, Walter 2
Dewees, William P. (William Potts) 2
Dickson, Samuel Henry 2
Hartshorne, Henry 2
Ives, Eli 2
McKenzie, Colin 2
Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 2
Pepper, William 2
Reichert, E. T. 2
University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 2
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 2
Yale College. Medical Institution 2
Young, Thomas 2
Albany Medical College 1
Allen, Charles Warrenne 1
American Association for the History of Medicine 1
American Mt. Zion Sunday School (Frederick Township, Pa.) 1
Archer, Benjamin 1
Archer, John 1
Arman, J. 1
Armsby, James H. (James Harvey) 1
Ashhurst, John, Jr. 1
Atlee, John L. (John Light) 1
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 1
Barton, Benjamin Smith 1
Barton, Edward 1
Bawdin, Thos. W. 1
Bellevue Hospital 1
Bigelow, John M. (John Milton) 1
Bird, B. L. (Benjamin L.) 1
Black, Joseph 1
Blundell, Dr. 1
Boggs, Thomas (Thomas RIchmond) 1
Boldt, H. J. (Hermann Joh) 1
Breck, Theodore F. (Theodore Frelinghuysen) 1
Brooks, J. W. (John Wallis) 1
Brown, John H. 1
Burt, Stephen Smith 1
Buyers, Edgar S. (Edgar Stanley) 1
Cabell, J. L. (James Lawrence) 1
Caillé, Augustus 1
Caldwell, George O. (George Otis) 1
Central High School (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
Chapin, Henry Dwight 1
Chelius, J. M. (Joseph Maximilian) 1
Chittenden, R. H. ((Russell Henry),) 1
Clark, John Yardley 1
Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College 1
Cline, Benjamin F. 1
Cline, Henry 1
Cohen, J. Solis (Jacob Solis) 1
College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York 1
Collins, Joseph 1
Cullen, William 1
Curie, Marie 1
Darrach, William 1
De Garmo, William Burton 1
Devon and Exeter Hospital 1
Diller, John R. 1
Douglass, Beaman 1
Douglass, George 1
Dunott, Thomas J. (Thomas Justus) 1
Edebohls, George M. (George Michael) 1
Einhorn, Max 1
Fager, John H. (John Henry) 1
Faust, Jonathan N. 1
Faust, Peter 1
Flint, Austin 1
Flynn, Richard O. 1
Forrester, Peter 1
Fowler, Charles G. 1
Franklin Pharmaceutical Institute 1
Frazer, J. F. (John Fries) 1
Frazier, Charles H. (Charles Harrison) 1
Frazier, William D. (William Doane) 1
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