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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 110

Records of the Committee on Fellowship II

Identifier: CPP 10/011-02
Overview The Records of the Committee on Fellowship span the years 1983 to 1892, although the bulk of the material dates from 1974 to 1978. Included in the collection are three volumes of list of Fellows and deceased Fellows, dating from 1973 to 1892, and 1918 to 1979. Correspondence and reports from meetings and regarding the status are Fellows date from 1949 to 1978.The Committee on Fellowship became a standing Committee of the College of Physicians in 1972. The by-laws of this year...
Dates: 1873-1892; 1918-1978

Records of the Committee on the Centennial Celebration

Identifier: CPP 10/039
Overview The Committee on the Centennial Celebration was established 1 October 1884 and held its first meeting on 3 January 1885. The Committee’s task was to “consider and report upon an appropriate plan to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the College in 1887.” It held sixteen meetings in total, ande made the following recommendations: 1) To form a collection of portraits of past Fellows to be exhibited during the celebration; 2) That the celebration should be held January 3 and 4,...
Dates: 1886-1887; undated

Records of the Hahnemannian Medical Institute

Identifier: MSS 4/001-01
Overview The Hahnemannian Medical Institute, a student society, was organized in 1849-1850 as the Williamson Institute for students attending lectures at Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. In 1854, the name of the organization was changed to Hahnemannian Medical Society, then, in 1864, to Hahnemannian Medical Institute. The Institute organized scientific lectures, promoted debates and quizes on academic subjects, and held annual commencements with diplomas. Students were elected "professors",...
Dates: 1863-1893

Records of the Hospital and Dispensary for the Relief of Diseases of the Rectum and Genito-Urinary Organs

Identifier: MSS 440
Overview The Hospital and Dispensary for the Relief of Diseases of the Rectum and Genito-Urinary Organs was incorporated December 6, 1875, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its purpose was to “furnish gratuitous medical and surgical advice and treatment to all poor people (without regard to creed, sex, or race) who suffer from any form of disease of the rectum or genito-urinary organs.” E. C. Hine, L. S. Clark were the surgeons, and H. Lenox Hodge was the consulting surgeon, for the Hospital. Opened as...
Dates: 1875-1888

Records of the John B. Deaver Surgical Society

Identifier: MSS 4/002
Scope and Contents This small collection of the corporate records of the John B. Deaver Surgical Society documents the society's membership and activities over a fifty year period. The minute books of the society (1915-1944) in Series 1 contain the cases and papers presented at each meeting, the results of the annual election of officers, and also records of membership in the society and attendance at each meeting. The treasurer's books in Series 2 (1943-1966) list the society's income,...
Dates: 1915 - 1966

Records of the Office of Secretary of the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery

Identifier: MSS 3/018
Scope and Contents The records of the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery consist of membership lists; minutes of regular meetings and Council meetings; reports; fellowship applications; and subject files.
Dates: 1953 - 1989; Majority of material found within 1955 - 1988

Records of the Office of Secretary-Treasurer of the Ophthalmic Club of Philadelphia

Identifier: MSS 3/012
Scope and Contents This small collection of miscellaneous records, 1922-1934, preserved by Jay Besson Rudolphy, Secretary Treasurer of the Ophthalmic Club of Philadelphia, documents the formation of the organization, its membership, and its typical activities. The collection includes a copy of the Club's constitution, financial reports, a membership list, several letters from newly elected members, a 1928 report of the Program Committee which describes plans for the coming year, and minutes of a meeting...
Dates: 1922 - 1934

Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Philadelphia Laryngological Society

Identifier: MSS 3/010
Scope and Contents This small collection of corporate records and related material, 1941-1969, of the Philadelphia Laryngological Society was preserved by its secretary and historianlibrarian and documents the society's activities and later history.The collection contains one minute book, 1941-1960 [disbound], which includes minutes of the Executive Committee, annual reports of the Secretary, and programs from the scientific sessions. The collection also includes nine folders of additional...
Dates: 1941 - 1969

Records of the Office of the Secretary Pathological Society of Philadelphia

Identifier: MSS 3/003-02
Scope and Contents The records of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia consist of two two-volume sets of minutes and proceedings.The first set of two volumes contain the minutes and proceedings of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, maintained by the Secretary, from the society's formation 29 September 1857 to 14 October 1869 and 23 April 1887 to 27 June 1901. Included are descriptions of specimens displayed to the society, membership propositions, committee reports, discussions,...
Dates: 1857 - 1910

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  • Subject: Philadelphia (Pa.) X

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College of Physicians of Philadelphia 14
University of Pennsylvania 10
University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 9
Philadelphia General Hospital 8
Blockley Almshouse 4
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Jefferson Medical College 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on General Medicine 3
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Otolaryngology 3
Hunter, Robert J. (Robert John) 3
Mütter Museum 3
Osler, William, Sir 3
Philadelphia County Medical Society 3
Alms-House (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Bache, Franklin 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 2
Dunglison, Robley 2
Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 2
Pathological Society of Philadelphia 2
Pennsylvania Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa) 2
Philadelphia General Hospital. School of Nursing 2
Philadelphia School of Anatomy 2
Rush, Benjamin 2
Spiegel, Ernest A. (Ernest Adolf) 2
Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 2
Sturgis, Samuel Booth 2
United States. Marine Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Albert Einstein Medical Center 1
American Association for the History of Medicine 1
American College of Physicians 1
American Gynecological Society 1
American Surgical Association 1
Anton, Aaron H. 1
Asbury, Arthur K. 1
Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper 1
Ashhurst, John, Jr. 1
Atlantic Dermatolgic Conference 1
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 1
Baird, Henry W. 1
Barton, Benjamin Smith 1
Batson, Oscar V. (Oscar Vivian) 1
Baxter, Harry Flickwir 1
Bickerton, Beatrice 1
Billings, F. S. (Frank Seaver) 1
Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 1
Blum, B. (Baruch) 1
Bower, John L. (John Lincoln) 1
Brinton, John H. (John Hill) 1
Brown, Clark E. (Clark Edward) 1
Burrill, Thomas J. (Thomas Jonathan) 1
Challiss, William L. 1
Chervin, Nicholas 1
Colhoun, Robert H. (Robert Harwood) 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Alvarenga Prize Committee 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Fellowship 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Centennial Celebration 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mütter Museum 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Dermatology 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical Ethics 1
Crampton, George S. (George Sumner) 1
Crane, A. Reynolds (August Reynolds) 1
Curie, Marie 1
Custer, R. Philip (Richard Philip) 1
Cutbush, Edward, 1772-1843 1
Deaver, John B. (John Blair) 1
Dorland, W.A. Newman (William Alexander Newman) 1
Duffield, Benjamin 1
Fisher, Frank 1
Forster, Benjamin L. 1
Forster, John, General 1
Forster, Margaret S. 1
Fothergill, John 1
Fox, L. Webster (Lawrence Webster) 1
Franklin, Marcus A. 1
Frazier, Charles H. (Charles Harrison) 1
Freeman, George, W. 1
Gefter, William I. (William Irvin) 1
Germantown Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
Gilbert, William Kent 1
Githens, William H.H. (William Henry Harrison) 1
Goodman, H. Earnest (Henry Earnest) 1
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 1
Gross, Samuel W. (Samuel Weissell) 1
Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia 1
Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital. Training School for Nurses 1
Hahnemannian Medical Institute 1
Hartman Laboratories (Philadelphia, Pa) 1
Hartman, Frank J. 1
Hartshorne, Joseph 1
Hospital and Dispensary for the Relief of Diseases of the Rectum and Genito-Urinary Organs 1
Houston, William F. (William Frederick) 1
Huston, Robert M. (Robert Mendenhall) 1
International Encyclopaedia of Surgery 1
International Sanitary Conference (1894) 1
International Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy 1
Jackson, Samuel 1
Kelley, William N. 1
Ketcham, S. Rush (Stephen Rush) 1
Krumbhaar, E. B. (Edward Bell) 1
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