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Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 121

Records of the Committee on Fellowship II

Identifier: CPP 10/011-02
Overview The Records of the Committee on Fellowship span the years 1983 to 1892, although the bulk of the material dates from 1974 to 1978. Included in the collection are three volumes of list of Fellows and deceased Fellows, dating from 1973 to 1892, and 1918 to 1979. Correspondence and reports from meetings and regarding the status are Fellows date from 1949 to 1978.The Committee on Fellowship became a standing Committee of the College of Physicians in 1972. The by-laws of this year...
Dates: 1873-1892; 1918-1978

Records of the Committee on Fellowship of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

Identifier: CPP 10/011-01
Scope and Contents This collection of records from the Committee on Fellowship, spanning 1964 to 1990, consists of agendas and minutes from meetings of the Committee on Fellowship; reports, lists, and correspondence documenting the procedure for electing new Fellows; unsuccessful Fellowship applications; and material on the College's Continuing Medical Education and Annual Giving programs.Series 1 and 2 contain agendas and minutes from meetings of the Committee on Fellowship. Present in Series 3 are...
Dates: 1964 - 1990

Records of the Committee on Finance

Identifier: CPP 10/041-01
Overview The Records of the Committee on Finance date from 1899 to 1912, 1935 to 1939, and 1967 to 1978. They document the activities of the Committee, who had the general supervision of the financial affairs of the College, including the power to authorize and to direct the sale or transfer of stocks, bonds, or other investments and real property belonging to the College; and to borrow money in an amount not to exceed the limit established by resolution of the Board. This committee was disbanded...
Dates: 1899-1912; 1935-1939; 1967-1978

Records of the Committee on Lectures

Identifier: CPP 10/002-01
Scope and Contents The records of the Committee on Lectures include its minute book, 1864-1882, and several reports made to the Secretary, of the College of Physicians, 1866-1882. The minutes, written by Joseph Leidy, Secretary of the committee, describe the committee's proceedings in which the members discuss and recommend possible lecturers and approve the payment of bills. The committee's reports testify to the proper discharge of both its duties and the lectureship and recommend payment by the College of all...
Dates: 1864 - 1882

Records of the Committee on Nominations for College Elections

Identifier: CPP 10/032
Overview The Committee on Nominations for College Elections makes recommendations for nominations of candidates for the Board of Trustees (formerly the Council) and other standing committees of the College. The Committee and its members were not listed in Transactions & Studies until 1973, but because the earliest records in this collection date to the 1930s, some earlier form of the Committee on Nominations must have existed.As of 2018, this is still an active committee.The...
Dates: 1935-1940; 1970-1978

Records of the Committee on Scientific Business

Identifier: CPP 10/028
Overview The Committee on Scientific Business was created by an amendment to the ordinances and by-laws adopted in October 1907. The original committee members were appointed in November 1907. It seems the purpose of the committee was to schedule presentations by Fellows during College meetings. It is unclear when the Committee was disbanded, but it is no longer active (2018).The Records of the Committee span the years 1910 to 1940, and then from 1972 to 1978, and are comprised mainly of...
Dates: 1910-1978

Records of the Committee on the Centennial Celebration

Identifier: CPP 10/039
Overview The Committee on the Centennial Celebration was established 1 October 1884 and held its first meeting on 3 January 1885. The Committee’s task was to “consider and report upon an appropriate plan to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the College in 1887.” It held sixteen meetings in total, ande made the following recommendations: 1) To form a collection of portraits of past Fellows to be exhibited during the celebration; 2) That the celebration should be held January 3 and 4,...
Dates: 1886-1887; undated

Records of the Committee on the Directory for Nurses

Identifier: CPP 10/001-01
Scope and Contents This collection of records of the Committee on the Directory for Nurses of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, spanning 1881 to 1936, consists of correspondence, annual reports, financial records, committee reports and recommendations, and miscellaneous material. The correspondence traces the establishment of the directory and documents several controversies, including the 1882 case of S. H. Pine (a janitor living in the College who refused to vacate his quarters without financial...
Dates: 1881 - 1936

Records of the Committee on the Joseph N. Pew Memorial Loan Fund

Identifier: CPP 10/036
Overview In December 1961, the College received a $25,000 gift from the Pew Memorial Trust. The gift was intended to help the College reach financial stability and to start a drive benefitting interns and residents in area hospitals. In response, the Committee on Internship and Residency was established in 1962. The Internship and Residency Committee sent out questionnaires to Philadelphia-area hospital administrators, residents, and interns. Data collected from residents and interns included marital...
Dates: 1961-1985

Records of the Committee on the Mary Scott Newbold lecture

Identifier: CPP 10/034
Overview In 1917, Clement B. Newbold founded the Mary Scott Newbold lectureship fund in memory of his wife. Newbold was a member of W. H. Newbold’s Son and Co. banking firm, and had donated to the College in the past. The Mary Scott Newbold lectureship was to “enable [the College] to obtain distinguished lecturers to address the College on subjects related to medicine or the allied sciences.”As of 2003, the College was still hosting an annual Mary Scott Newbold lecture.The...
Dates: 1923-1968 (gaps)

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  • Subject: Reports X

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College of Physicians of Philadelphia 14
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 8
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mütter Museum 7
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Secretary 6
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Building Committee 5
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College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 5
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical History 5
Francis Clark Wood Institute for the History of Medicine 5
Mütter Museum 5
Philadelphia General Hospital 4
University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 4
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Trustees of the Building Fund 3
Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 3
Morse, Elliott H. (Elliott How) 3
Muller, George P. (George Paul) 3
Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 3
Babies' Hospital of Philadelphia 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee of Publications 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Fellowship 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Revision of the Pharmacopoeia 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Hall Committee 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library Committee 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Curator 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Ophthalmology 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Otolaryngology 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Public Health, Preventive, and Industrial Medicine 2
Gefter, William I. (William Irvin) 2
Griffitts, Samuel Powel 2
Medical Documentation Service (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Parke, Thomas 2
Pressman, Robert S. (Robert Sydney) 2
Scheffey, Lewis C. (Lewis Cass) 2
United States. Marine Hospital (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
Wood, Francis C. (Francis Clark) 2
Worden, Gretchen 2
Aguirre, Anthony R. 1
Albert Einstein Medical Center 1
American Association for the History of Medicine 1
American College of Physicians 1
American Red Cross 1
Anton, Aaron H. 1
Asbury, Arthur K. 1
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 1
Bache, Franklin 1
Bache, Thomas Hewson 1
Batson, Oscar V. (Oscar Vivian) 1
Bauerle, Evelyn C. (Evelyn Matthews Cook) 1
Behrend, Bernard 1
Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 1
Blockley Almshouse 1
Blum, B. (Baruch) 1
Blumstein, George I. (George Isaac) 1
Bradley, Robert H. 1
Brinton, John H. (John Hill) 1
Brown, Clark E. (Clark Edward) 1
Buchanan, George, 1763-1808 1
Cathrall, Isaac, 1764-1819 1
Chaveas, William F. (William Francis) 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Board of Trustees 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee for an Institute of the History of Medicine 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on By-laws and Ordinances 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Contributions to the Building Fund 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Finance 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Lectures 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Nominations for College Elections 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Scientific Business 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Centennial Celebration 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Directory for Nurses 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Joseph N. Pew Memorial Loan Fund 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mary Scott Newbold lecture 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Nathan Lewis Hatfield Prize and Lectureship 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Pathological Museum of Dr. Mutter 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Salting of Railroad Tracks 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Sesquicentennial Celebration 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Consumer Health Information Center (CHIC) 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Operations 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the Treasurer 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Dermatology 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on General Medicine 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medicine and the Arts 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Public Health and Preventive Medicine 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Steering Committee for Fundraising and Public Affairs 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Trustees of the William F. Jenks Memorial Award 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. William F. Jenks Prize Committee 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Women's Committee 1
Condie, D. Francis (David Francis) 1
Crane, A. Reynolds (August Reynolds) 1
Cuddy, Clare 1
Curie, Marie 1
Currie, William, 1754-1828 1
Custer, R. Philip (Richard Philip) 1
Cutbush, Edward, 1772-1843 1
De Schweinitz, G. E. (George Edmund) 1
Dechert, Philip 1
Duffield, Samuel 1
Durham, James 1
Fanelli, Dorris 1
Fife-Hamill Memorial Health Center for Southeast Philadelphia 1
Fisher, Charles Perry 1
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