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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 52

Aaron Burr Tucker notes on the lectures of Philip Syng Physick

Identifier: 10b 14
Scope and Contents One volume (232 pages) of notes on surgery lectures delivered by Philip Syng Physick at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dates: 1809 - 1812

Alexander Jackson notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/196
Scope and Contents Alexander Jackson’s notes, 26 January through 27 February 1824, from lectures in Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Includes occasional diagrams and subject index. Lecturers include: Nathaniel Chapman on the practice of medicine, John Redman Coxe on materia medica, William Gibson on surgery, and William P. Dewees and Thomas C. James on midwifery. Includes occasional notes on Robert Hare on chemistry and Philip Syng Physick on anatomy.
Dates: 1824

Anna M. McAllister notes on lectures from Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/056
Scope and Contents Volume contains notes on lectures taken by Anna M. McAllister during third year of study at Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Nov. 1872-Mar. 1873. Lecturers not identified but are: Rachel L. Bodley on chemistry; Emeline H. Cleveland on obstetrics and diseases of women; Isaac Comly on practice of medicine; Henry Hartshorne on diseases of children and hygiene; Charles Hermon Thomas on materia medica; and Benjamin B. Wilson on surgery. Lectures identified by subject and...
Dates: 1872 - 1873

Astley Paston Cooper Ashhurst papers

Identifier: MSS 2/349
Overview The Astley Paston Cooper Ashhurst Papers document the military and professional accomplishments of this noted physician. Ashhurst (1876-1932) established himself as a prominent surgeon and teacher in Philadelphia, and also served as in various medical capacities during World War I. The collection encompasses two series: “Military Service,” and “Subject Files,” and dates from 1895, 1904-1933, 1963, and undated. Researchers interested in the career of Astley Paston Cooper Ashhurst, or in the...
Dates: 1895, 1904-1933, 1963, undated

Astley Paston Cooper Ashhurst photograph collection

Identifier: P-APCA
Scope and Contents This collection contains over 350 photographs of surgical techniques, practices, and cases which require surgery; orthopedic surgery patients; skiagraphs of fractured bones; and other related images. The majority of the images can be found in Ashhurst's Surgery; its principles and practice, for students and practitioners (1914).
Dates: circa 1900-1920

Benjamin Bird notes on lectures from the University of Maryland School of Medicine

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS 2/246
Scope and Contents B. L. Bird’s notes on lectures at University of Maryland School of Medicine, 1835-1836. Lecturers are: Robley Dunglison on therapeutics; Eli Geddings on physiology; Nathaniel Potter on practice of medicine; and N. R. Smith on surgery, particularly gunshot wounds. Includes recipes.
Dates: 1835 - 1836

Christian C. Vedder notes on lectures at Albany Medical College

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/181
Scope and Contents Student notes taken by C. C. Vedder on lectures at Albany Medical College, 181. Lecturers are: James H. Armsby on surgery John M. Bigelow on materia medica H. R. Haskins on anatomy John . Lansing on physiology James McNaughton on the theory and practice of medicine Maurice Perkins on chemistry William P. Seymour on obstetrics and Albert Vanderveer on microscopical anatomy. Notes on clinical cases included.
Dates: 1871

E. A. Santee lecture notes from Jefferson Medical College

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/223-03
Scope and Contents Volume of student notes, 1863-1864, taken by E. A. Santee at Jefferson Medical College on, primarily, lectures of Samuel Henry Dickson on practice of medicine; Robley Dunglison on physiology; Samuel D. Gross on surgery and gunshot wounds; and Ellerslie Wallace on obstetrics. Includes notes on medical and surgical clinics of D. Hayes Agnew and J. L. Ludlow at Philadelphia General Hospital.
Dates: 1863 - 1864

Ernest Spiegel papers

Identifier: MSS 2/251
Overview Ernest A. Spiegel, M.D., was an Austrian-born internationally recognized neurologist. He emigrated to the United States in 1930, where he spent much of his career at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. He finished his career at the National Parkinson FOundation in Miami. Spiegel is well-known for his work in developing the stereotactic technique. He passed away in 1985. The papers of Ernest Spiegel reflect his varied interests in neurological research and publication from his...
Dates: 1895

Frederick Murtagh papers

Identifier: MSS 2/336
Scope and Contents The collection contains correspondencem typescripts, ephemera, photogrphs and slides, memoranda, and records of operations. It documents the career of Murtagh and many of the operations and procedures within the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP), the hospital at Temple University, and the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Mostly, the collection concerns Murtagh's work as a neurosurgeon at HUP. The history of procedures he performed is well covered as are his...
Dates: 1947 - 1996

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  • Subject: Surgery X

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Jefferson Medical College 7
Roberts, John Bingham 6
Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia 6
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 4
Physick, Philip Syng 4
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University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 4
Dunglison, Robley 3
Gibson, William 3
University of Pennsylvania 3
Wallace, Ellerslie 3
Ashhurst, Astley Paston Cooper 2
Ashhurst, John, Jr. 2
Biddle, John B. (John Barclay) 2
Chapman, Nathaniel 2
College of Physicians of Philadelphia 2
Coxe, John Redman 2
Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 2
Deaver, John B. (John Blair) 2
Dickson, Samuel Henry 2
Hare, Robert 2
Harvard Medical School 2
James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 2
Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 2
University of Pennsylvania. Hospital 2
Academy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the City of Philadelphia 1
Albany Medical College 1
Allen, Charles Warrenne 1
American Mt. Zion Sunday School (Frederick Township, Pa.) 1
American Surgical Association 1
Anton, Aaron H. 1
Armsby, James H. (James Harvey) 1
Atlee, John L. (John Light) 1
Bellevue Hospital 1
Bigelow, Jacob 1
Bigelow, John M. (John Milton) 1
Bird, B. L. (Benjamin L.) 1
Blum, B. (Baruch) 1
Blundell, Dr. 1
Boldt, H. J. (Hermann Joh) 1
Brooks, J. W. (John Wallis) 1
Burt, Stephen Smith 1
Caillé, Augustus 1
Caldwell, George O. (George Otis) 1
Carson, Joseph 1
Channing, Walter 1
Chapin, Henry Dwight 1
Cline, Benjamin F. 1
Cline, Henry 1
Cogan, Sarah Edith Ives 1
Cohen, J. Solis (Jacob Solis) 1
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 1
Collins, Joseph 1
De Garmo, William Burton 1
Dewees, William P. (William Potts) 1
Diller, John R. 1
Douglass, Beaman 1
Dunott, Thomas J. (Thomas Justus) 1
Edebohls, George M. (George Michael) 1
Einhorn, Max 1
Faust, Jonathan N. 1
Faust, Peter 1
Flint, Austin 1
Franklin Pharmaceutical Institute 1
Frazer, J. F. (John Fries) 1
Frederick III, German Emperor 1
Freudenberger, Kathrina 1
Fuller, Eugene 1
Gant, Samuel Goodwin 1
Geddings, Eli 1
Gibbon, John Heysham, Jr. 1
Guiteras, Ramon 1
Guy's Hospital. Medical School 1
Hamilton, Frank Hastings 1
Hammond, Graeme M. (Graeme Monroe) 1
Handley, W. Sampson (William Sampson) 1
Haskins, H. R. (Henry R.) 1
Hatfield, Nathan L. (Nathan Lewis) 1
Hayward, George 1
Hirschler, Rose 1
Hollembaek, Henry 1
Hosack, David 1
Huddleston, J. H. (John Henry) 1
Hutchins, Samuel 1
International Encyclopaedia of Surgery 1
International Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy 1
Jackson, Alexander 1
Jackson, Samuel 1
Lansing, John V. 1
Lister, Joseph, Baron 1
Lloyd, Samuel 1
Lusk, Thurston G. (Thurston Gilman) 1
MacNeven, William James 1
Macleod, George H. B. (George Husband Baird) 1
Massachusetts General Hospital 1
McAllister, Anna M. 1
McKernon, James F. (James Francis) 1
McNaughton, James 1
Medizinische Universität Wien 1
Meyer, Willy 1
Meynen, George Kissam 1
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