Speeches (documents)
Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Found in 38 Collections and/or Records:
Alexander Rush papers
Identifier: MSS 2/243
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Alexander Rush's papers, 1931-1984, with
some earlier material, documents his personal life, professional
career, and interest in his ancestor, Benjamin Rush, and includes
lectures and addresses, writings, awards, certificates, diplomas,
and photographs.Series 1 contains letters, a passport, curricula vitae, bibliographies,
and printed material concerning Rush's life and career, 1922-1984.
Material, 1812-1981, concerning Benjamin Rush (1746-1813)
is in...
1812 - 1984; Majority of material found within 1931 - 1984
Clair Eishenhard Bauer papers
Identifier: MSS 2/320
Scope and Contents
Organized into three series: I. Addresses, 1947-1959. II. Radio interviews, 1946 and 1949. III. Pamphlet[1958]. Each series arranged chronologically.The collection contains typescripts of addresses, 1947-1959, transcripts of radio interviews, 1946 and 1949, and a pamphlet, [1958], documenting the public life of Clair Eisenhard Bauer. Series 1 contains typescripts of three addresses given by Mrs. Bauer. The first was given at the memorial service for Mrs. Bessie Dobson Altemus on 22...
1946 - 1961
D. Hayes Agnew presidential address
Identifier: CPP 2/008-01
Scope and Contents
Typescript address of D. Hayes Agnew (1818-1892), summarizing activities of College of Physicians of Philadelphia during 1890. Discusses papers delivered at College meetings, additions to Mütter Museum, accessions of Library, profits from Directory for Nurses, and names of Fellows who died during the year. Includes holograph notes, some belonging to S. Weir Mitchell (1829-1914), Vice President of the College, who delivered address to College in Agnew’s absence, 3 Dec. 1890.Published...
D. Stratton Woodruff Papers
Identifier: MSS 423
D. Stratton Woodruff M.D. (1924-2006) specialized in family medicine in the Bryn Mawr area of Pennsylvania. In 1975, he co-founded the Bryn Mawr Family Practice Residency program with Dr. Ian Ballard. As of now (2019), the program continues to train doctors in family medicine practice. The D. Stratton Woodruff Papers span from the 1930s to 1986. The small collection includes four quarantine signs circa 1930s and a copy of the script of a speech Dr. Woodruff delivered at his Lower...
1930 - 1986
Dyar T. Brainard papers
Collection — Folder 1
Identifier: MSS 2/087
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of three holograph addresses of Dyar
T. Brainard. Although all three are undated, approximate dates,
1813, 1821, and 1823, can be derived from the contents of each
address. The third address, circa 1823, may have been the annual
dissertation delivered to the Connecticut State Medical Society;
the other two addresses may have been given before the New London
County Medical Association.
The first address, circa 1813, describes an unknown disease treated...
1813 - 1823
Edmund B. Piper papers
Identifier: MSS 2/017
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Edmund B. Piper Papers consists of two
items of correspondence received, 1918 and 1924; and typescripts of five speeches, 1915-1931. The collection documents Piper's experiences in World War I and his work with the treatment of septicemia.In Series 1, the letter, dated 28 June 1918, by Robert G. LeConte to Piper describes an offensive attack on a French mobile hospital and conditions at Hospital No.1 at Neuilly. The letter from Irene F. Lamb of Women's...
1915 - 1931
Edward A. Schumann papers
Identifier: MSS 2/244
Scope and Contents
This small collection of letters, pathological specimen registers,
speeches and writings, and miscellaneous material, 1903-1963,
documents the career and obstetric and gynecological practice
of Edward A. Schumann.
Series 1 contains three folders of letters, 1916-1958, from,
primarily, obstetricians and gynecologists. The letters concern
Schumann's speaking engagements; his presidency of the American
Gynecological Society; his appointment as professor of gynecology
at the...
1903 - 1963
Francis C. Wood papers II
Identifier: MSS 2/228-02
Scope and Contents
Personal and professional papers, correspondence, speeches, and records of medical practice and military service, 1925-1989, of Philadelphia, Pa., cardiologist and educator, Francis C. Wood.Series 1 documents Francis C. Wood’s family and personal life, education, and honors and awards, 1949-1984. Includes family correspondence, press releases, and financial and legal papers.General correspondence in Series 2 includes letters of physicians, non-physicians, and letters of...
1925 - 1989
Francis Clark Wood papers I
Identifier: MSS 2/228-01
Scope and Contents
This collection is the larger of two collections of Francis C. Wood's papers, the other being MSS 2/0228-02. This extensive collection (1892-1989) chronicles the life and career of a 20th century physician, scientist, soldier, administrator, and teacher. The collection is divided roughly evenly among the different phases of his life and career. Because Dr. Wood was a leader in both his community and profession, the collection documents the activities and functioning of many institutions and...
1892 - 1989
Francis R. Packard papers
Identifier: MSS 2/034
Scope and Contents
This collection of correspondence, addresses, writings, and research
materials documents Francis R. Packard's work with the history
of medicine and his editorship of "The annals of medical history".Series 1 contains two collections of Packard's incoming correspondence
(1893-1950) with occasional copies of his outgoing letters.
Series 1.1 is filed alphabetically by name of correspondent;
subjects include submissions to "The annals of medical history",
inquiries concerning the...
1893 - 1950