Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 45
Albert S. Ashmead papers
Identifier: MSS 2/029
The Albert S. Ashmead papers (1875-1910) is a fine collection
documenting the professional experiences of a well-known American
leprologist. The focus of the collection is Ashmead's correspondence
with other leprologist and international figures concerning
the 1897 Berlin lepra conference. The collection also contains
manuscripts of Ashmead's articles, the text for an unpublished
anthology on Japanese medicine, and research notes and translations
of articles concerning leprosy and...
1869 - 1910
Alexander Rush papers
Identifier: MSS 2/243
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Alexander Rush's papers, 1931-1984, with
some earlier material, documents his personal life, professional
career, and interest in his ancestor, Benjamin Rush, and includes
lectures and addresses, writings, awards, certificates, diplomas,
and photographs.Series 1 contains letters, a passport, curricula vitae, bibliographies,
and printed material concerning Rush's life and career, 1922-1984.
Material, 1812-1981, concerning Benjamin Rush (1746-1813)
is in...
1812 - 1984; Majority of material found within 1931 - 1984
Allen R. Myers Presidential Papers
Identifier: CPP 2/013-01
Allen R. Myers was born in Baltimore on January 14, 1935. He graduated from University of Pennsylvania and received his M.D. from University of Maryland in 1960; his medical specialties were Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. He spent the majority of his career in academia and was elected College President in 2000 and served two terms. Myers died in January 2020.
This collection dates from 1999-2003, and documents Allen Myers’ time as College President. It contains correspondence, committee...
1972-2006; Majority of material found in 1999-2001
Collection of biographies of dermatologists
Identifier: MSS 3/023
Scope and Contents
The collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, curriculum vitae, photographs, and printed material providing biographical information about United States and foreign dermatologists. The collections is arranged into 19 series, each covering a part of the alphabet. Materials are filed according to the dermatologist’s name.
1923 - 1978; Majority of material found within 1971 - 1974
Correspondence of William J. Taylor regarding the visit of Marie Curie to The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Identifier: CPP 2/004-01
Scope and Contents
This collection, spanning 1920 to 1923, consists of letters
sent to William J. Taylor and carbon copies of his replies.
The correspondence documents Marie Curie's visit to the
College of Physicians of Philadelphia on 23 May 1921.
Much of the correspondence in the collection is between
Taylor and Robert Abbe (1851-1928). Abbe, who lived in New
York City, was an Associate Fellow of the College of
Physicians and was largely responsible for arranging Marie
Curie's visit. The letters between Abbe...
1920 - 1923
D. Heber Plank papers
Identifier: MSS 2/277-01
Scope and Contents
The collection contains ten volumes of financial papers documenting
the Morgantown, Pa., medical practice of D. Heber Plank, 1868-1908;
there are two ledgers and two combined ledger and cash books,
six daybooks, and associated financial papers.The ledgers and cash books, 1868-1908, are organized by account
name and list the service performed, date, and fee charged;
there are occasional notes on cases, patients, and settlement
of accounts. Each volume includes an index to...
1868 - 1908
Daniel Joseph McCarthy Papers
Identifier: MSS 2/348
The Daniel Joseph McCarthy Papers document portions of McCarthy’s medical career, particularly his writings and addresses on psychiatry and medical jurisprudence. As a prominent neurologist and medical jurisprudence expert, McCarthy treated wounded soldiers in the First World War, taught for thirty-five years at the University of Pennsylvania, and founded several research and benevolent medical foundations. The collection contains three series; “Writings and Addresses,” “Subject Files,” and...
1902, 1921-1933, undated
Gamaliel Bradford daybook
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/225
Scope and Contents
Chronological record of Gamaliel Bradford’s medical practice, 1819 Sept. 12-1822 Dec. 31 (gap, 1821 Mar. 11-Aug. 1) in Boston, 1819-1820, and Cambridge, Mass., 1820-1822. Entries list patient attended, reason for visit or procedure, and fee charged with notes on settlement of the account. Includes monthly summary of accounts. Includes occasional notes from Gamaliel Bradford, including one, dated July 1821, where he specifies accounts which, in the event of his death, are not to be pursued by...
1819 - 1826
George S. Crampton papers
Identifier: MSS 2/189
Scope and Contents
This small collection of biographical information, correspondence,
photographs, maps, and awards, 1894-1988, highlights notable
events in the career of George Sumner Crampton.Series 1 contains biographical information, primarily printed,
1894-1988, concerning George S. Crampton, his work, and his
wife's family, the Smedes family. A miscellaneous collection of Crampton's correspondence, 1903-1959,
is in Series 2. Most of these letters are personal, though
1894 - 1959
Filtered By
- Subject: Clippings X
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Additional filters:
- Names
- Keen, William W. (William Williams) 4
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Library 3
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of the President 3
- Mütter Museum 3
- University of Pennsylvania 3
- Curie, Marie 2
- Leidy, Joseph 2
- Medical Documentation Service (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2
- Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service 2
- Morse, Elliott H. (Elliott How) 2
- Rush, Benjamin 2
- Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 2
- Tyson, James 2
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 2
- Abbe, Robert 1
- Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1
- Aguirre, Anthony R. 1
- Amercian Medical Association 1
- American Academy of Dermatology 1
- American Surgical Association 1
- Anderson Hospital 1
- Anderson Hospital and College of Physio-Therapy 1
- Ashhurst (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Ashmead, Albert S. 1
- Barton, Helen F. (Helen Fisher) 1
- Bickerton, Beatrice 1
- Blumstein, George I. (George Isaac) 1
- Bradford, Gamaliel 1
- Cabot, Richard C. (Richard Clarke) 1
- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 1
- Clayton, S. Lillian (Sarah Lillian) 1
- Cleveland, Frances Folsom 1
- Cleveland, Grover 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on the Mütter Museum 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Office of Advancement 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Silas Weir Mitchell Associates Committee 1
- Cox, Donald W. (Donald William) 1
- Crampton, George S. (George Sumner) 1
- Du Pont, Jean Kane Foulke 1
- Edwards, E. Jay (Elisha Jay) 1
- Erdmann, John F. (John Frederick) 1
- Eyre (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Fisher, Alice 1
- Fisher, Charles Perry 1
- Fox, L. Webster (Lawrence Webster) 1
- Gartrell, Ellen 1
- Gibbon, John Heysham, Jr. 1
- Gibson, Kasson C. 1
- Greifenstein, Charles 1
- Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 1
- Hartley, Robert Milham 1
- Hasbrouck, Ferdinand 1
- Hemlock Society (Delaware Valley) 1
- Holloway, Lisabeth M. 1
- Jefferson Medical College. Surgical Clinic 1
- Jenner, Edward 1
- Kenyon, Andrea 1
- Knight, Arthur L. 1
- Leidy 1
- Leidy, Joseph, Jr. 1
- Leiper (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Leopold, Samuel 1
- Lister, Joseph, Baron 1
- McCarthy, Daniel J. (Daniel Joseph) 1
- Medical Institute of Philadelphia 1
- Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia 1
- Metz, Charles L. 1
- Mitchell, Silas Weir 1
- Moyer, Elizabeth 1
- Muller, George P. (George Paul) 1
- Myers, Allen R. 1
- Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 1
- New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor 1
- O'Reilly, Robert M. (Robert Maitland) 1
- Osler, William, Sir 1
- Pasteur, Louis 1
- Pennsylvania Hospital. Benjamin Franklin Clinic 1
- Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Hospital and School of Mechano-Therapy 1
- Philadelphia County Medical Society. Committee on Archives 1
- Philadelphia County Medical Society. Committee on Maternal Welfare 1
- Philadelphia General Hospital 1
- Philadelphia General Hospital. School of Nursing 1
- Plank, D. Heber (David Heber) 1
- Pressman, Robert S. (Robert Sydney) 1
- Radbill, Samuel X. 1
- Richards, Maud (Emma Matilda Ashhurst) 1
- Richardson, Joseph Gibbons 1
- Ruggere, Christine 1
- Rush Hospital for Consumption and Allied Diseases 1
- Rush, Alexander 1
- Saturday evening post 1
- Shuman, Jesse Elmer 1
- Smink, Marjorie 1
- Spiegel-Adolf, Mona 1
- Stengel, Alfred R. 1
- Sturgis, Samuel Booth 1
- Sydenham Medical Coterie 1
- Taylor, William J. (William Johnson) 1
- U.S.S. Relief 1 ∧ less
∨ more