Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Arthur K. Asbury papers
Identifier: MSS 2/351
Arthur K. Asbury (b. 1928), Van Meter Professor of Neurology Emeritus, is an internationally recognized neurologist, best known for his clinical and experimental studies of peripheral neuropathies. Most of his career was spent at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, where he was a clinician, educator, researcher, and administrator. The bulk of this collection documents Dr. Asbury's work as Vice Dean of Research and Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs at the University of Pennsylvania...
Majority of material found within 1985 - 2000; 1958 - 2007
Charles C. Chapple papers
Identifier: MSS 2/207-01
Scope and Contents
The collection contains correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts,
printed material, and photographs, drawings, and slides, 1901-1983,
documenting the career and research of pediatrician Charles
C. Chapple. The bulk of the collection concerns Chapple's work
on congenital dislocation of the hip in infants; fetal abnormalities
and developmental defects; and the development of the Chapple Incubator
and Isolette.Series 1 contains miscellaneous correspondence and printed...
1901 - 1983
Ernest Spiegel papers
Identifier: MSS 2/251
Ernest A. Spiegel, M.D., was an Austrian-born internationally
recognized neurologist. He emigrated to the United States in 1930,
where he spent much of his career at Temple University School of
Medicine in Philadelphia. He finished his career at the National
Parkinson FOundation in Miami. Spiegel is well-known for his work
in developing the stereotactic technique. He passed away in 1985. The
papers of Ernest Spiegel reflect his varied interests in neurological
research and publication from his...
Frank J. Hartman papers
Identifier: MSS 2/340
Frank Janczak Hartman (1893-1986) was a radium specialist and consultant who also worked as a “radium hound,” searching for pieces lost by area hospitals and industry until his retirement in 1956. The Frank J. Hartman papers provide an insightful view into the changes atomic energy brought to society. Hartman, who owned two companies dealing with radium, clearly saw the product’s value, but he also recognized the potential dangers and the damage that could result from the improper usage,...
Fred B. Rogers papers
Identifier: MSS 2/354
Fred Baker Rogers was Professor of Preventive Medicine at the Temple University School of Medicine and an active member of the medical community in Philadelphia and throughout the East Coast. He received his M.M.S. in Internal Medicine from the University of Pennsylvania, his M.D. from Temple University, and his M.P.H. from Columbia University. Rogers was a prolific author of articles and books on medical history, from local doctors to infectious outbreaks, with a specific focus on preventive...
Majority of material found within 1948 - 1985; 1922 - 2000
Henry Hartshorne papers
Identifier: MSS 2/030
Scope and Contents
This extensive collection of Henry Hartshorne's papers documents
his professional life and activities, concentrating on texts
of his lecture courses to students and manuscripts of his published
and unpublished writings.Series 1 consists of sketchy records of Hartshorne's private medical
practice which began in 1848. The series contains a journal
with a chronological account of his patients from the opening
of the office until 20 October 1848. The journal includes financial...
1836 - 1897
Filtered By
- Subject: Lantern slides X
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- Names
- Anton, Aaron H. 1
- Asbury, Arthur K. 1
- Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 1
- Blum, B. (Baruch) 1
- Chapple, Charles C. 1
- Curie, Marie 1
- Hartman Laboratories (Philadelphia, Pa) 1
- Hartman, Frank J. 1
- Hartshorne, Henry 1
- Haverford College 1
- International Society for Research in Stereoencephalotomy 1
- Kelley, William N. 1
- Medizinische Universität Wien 1
- National Parkinson Foundation (US) 1
- Philadelphia Council. Water Committee 1
- Radium Services (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Spiegel, Elise Fuchs 1
- Spiegel, Ernest A. (Ernest Adolf) 1
- Spiegel, Ignaz 1
- Spiegel-Adolf, Mona 1
- Temple University. School of Medicine 1
- U.S Atomic Energy Commission 1
- U.S.A. General Hospital. 2nd Ward (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- University of Pennsylvania. Auxiliary Faculty of Medicine 1
- Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 1
- Wycis, H. T. (Henry T.) 1 ∧ less
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