Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 106
Albert S. Ashmead papers
Identifier: MSS 2/029
The Albert S. Ashmead papers (1875-1910) is a fine collection
documenting the professional experiences of a well-known American
leprologist. The focus of the collection is Ashmead's correspondence
with other leprologist and international figures concerning
the 1897 Berlin lepra conference. The collection also contains
manuscripts of Ashmead's articles, the text for an unpublished
anthology on Japanese medicine, and research notes and translations
of articles concerning leprosy and...
1869 - 1910
Alexander Jackson notes on lectures from the University of Pennsylvania
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/196
Scope and Contents
Alexander Jackson’s notes, 26 January through 27 February 1824, from lectures in Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Includes occasional diagrams and subject index. Lecturers include: Nathaniel Chapman on the practice of medicine, John Redman Coxe on materia medica, William Gibson on surgery, and William P. Dewees and Thomas C. James on midwifery. Includes occasional notes on Robert Hare on chemistry and Philip Syng Physick on anatomy.
Almon Twitchell daybooks
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS 2/280
Scope and Contents
Daybook documents medical practice of Almon Twitchell in Bethel, Me., and surrounding Oxford Co. area.
Lists patients, charges, medicine, and account settlements, 1854 Aug. 25-1859 Dec. 29.
1854 - 1859
Alonzo West lecture notes from the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College
Identifier: MSS 409
Scope and Contents note
This is a volume of notes taken by Alonzo West from lectures by Dr. John Sanders, Dr. A. O. Blair, Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dr. G. W. Barnes, Dr. Wilson, and other lecturers at Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 1865-1866. Topics include obstetrics, surgery, practice, materia medica, and physiology. The volume includes an index.
Andrew Warner notes on lectures from Yale College School of Medicine
Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/069
Scope and Contents
Volume contains conclusion of Nathan Smith’s lecture course on theory and practice of physic, 1815-1816,
and personal material of Andrew F. Warner, 1821 and undated. Smith’s lectures describe
pathology, symptoms, and treatment of disease by anatomical system; bulk of volume concerns diseases
of the chylopoietic viscera [lymphatic system], digestive system, urinary system, and bronchi. Course
concludes with Smith’s general remarks on the treatment of disease. A brief section on the...
1815-1816, 1821, undated
Anna M. McAllister notes on lectures from Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania
Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/056
Scope and Contents
Volume contains notes on lectures taken by Anna M. McAllister during third year of study at Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Nov. 1872-Mar. 1873. Lecturers not identified but are: Rachel L. Bodley on chemistry; Emeline H. Cleveland on obstetrics and diseases of women; Isaac Comly on practice of medicine; Henry Hartshorne on diseases of children and hygiene; Charles Hermon Thomas on materia medica; and Benjamin B. Wilson on surgery. Lectures identified by subject and...
1872 - 1873
Anthony Brocard medical manual (Enchiridium manuale medicinae practicum: ordine alphabetico ordinatum auctore domine Anthonio Brocardo doctore theologo & medico in favorem & studium domini Ioannis Baptista filioli doctoris medicii anno 1660 continens observationes practicas ex usu in arte medica etexperientia comprobatas ac sepe repetitas a patre suoamantissimo auctore predicto...)
Item — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/199
Scope and Contents
Encyclopedic French medical manual, describing treatment for various common ailments, compiled by Anthony Brocard at the Université de médecine de Montpellier in 1661. Authorites commonly cited include Luis Mercado, Lazare Riviére and Abraham Zacutus.
Arthur K. Asbury papers
Identifier: MSS 2/351
Arthur K. Asbury (b. 1928), Van Meter Professor of Neurology Emeritus, is an internationally recognized neurologist, best known for his clinical and experimental studies of peripheral neuropathies. Most of his career was spent at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, where he was a clinician, educator, researcher, and administrator. The bulk of this collection documents Dr. Asbury's work as Vice Dean of Research and Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs at the University of Pennsylvania...
Majority of material found within 1985 - 2000; 1958 - 2007
Benham family papers
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS 2/333
Booksellers' description
Account book collection, Thomas Benham, M.D., John Benham, M.D., and others. (Broome, Conesville, and Windham, NY; 1796-1863, and later) Comprises approximately twenty single thick wrappered account books (some bound with multiple gatherings) and several hundred items of miscellaneous paper ephemera, primarily 1840s-1870s, of related interest. Apparently representing three generations of doctors in one family, serving a very rural area of New York State, some 35 miles southwest of Albany.
1796 - 1905
Benjamin Archer notes on the lectures of Benjamin Rush
Identifier: 10a 136
Scope and Contents
Two volumes of an incomplete set of notes on lectures delivered by Benjamin Rush at the University of Pennsylvania from 1804 to 1805. Vol. 1 (p. 1-43) contains brief notes on his section on physiology including the pulse and the mind. Vol. 2 (p. 132-260) contains notes on his sections on therapeutics and the practice of medicine.
1804 - 1805
Filtered By
- Subject: Medicine X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- Chapman, Nathaniel 12
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 12
- Rush, Benjamin 7
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia 6
- Philadelphia General Hospital 6
- Roberts, John Bingham 6
- University of Pennsylvania 6
- Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia 6
- Gibson, William 4
- Jefferson Medical College 4
- Physick, Philip Syng 4
- Carson, Joseph 3
- Coxe, John Redman 3
- Dorsey, John Syng 3
- Dunglison, Robley 3
- Hare, Robert 3
- James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 3
- Pepper, William 3
- Bigelow, Jacob 2
- Blockley Almshouse 2
- Channing, Walter 2
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medical History 2
- Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 2
- Dewees, William P. (William Potts) 2
- Dickson, Samuel Henry 2
- Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 2
- Harvard Medical School 2
- Hunter, Robert J. (Robert John) 2
- Mütter Museum 2
- Osler, William, Sir 2
- Philadelphia General Hospital. School of Nursing 2
- Radbill, Samuel X. 2
- Santee, E. A. (Ephraim A.) 2
- Sturgis, Katharine R. (Katharine Rosenbaum) 2
- Sturgis, Margaret Castex 2
- Sturgis, Samuel Booth 2
- Wallace, Ellerslie 2
- Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 2
- Albany Medical College 1
- Albert Einstein Medical Center 1
- American Mt. Zion Sunday School (Frederick Township, Pa.) 1
- Ames, Jason Howard 1
- Anderson, Thomas B. (Thomas Bates) 1
- Archer, Benjamin 1
- Archer, John 1
- Armsby, James H. (James Harvey) 1
- Asbury, Arthur K. 1
- Ashmead, Albert S. 1
- Atlee, John L. (John Light) 1
- Bartoll, William H. (William Horace) 1
- Barton, Helen F. (Helen Fisher) 1
- Bauer, Edward L. (Edward Louis) 1
- Bawdin, Thos. W. 1
- Benham 1
- Benham, John 1
- Benham, Thomas 1
- Biddle, John B. (John Barclay) 1
- Bigelow, John M. (John Milton) 1
- Billings, John S. (John Shaw) 1
- Bird, B. L. (Benjamin L.) 1
- Bond, Thomas 1
- Booth, W. E. (William Edmund) 1
- Bower, John L. (John Lincoln) 1
- Bradford, Gamaliel 1
- Brocard, Anthony 1
- Brower, William 1
- Brown, John H. 1
- Buchanan, George, 1763-1808 1
- Bush, Soloman 1
- Carpenter, E. W. (Elijah Whitney) 1
- Cathrall, Isaac, 1764-1819 1
- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 1
- Clayton, S. Lillian (Sarah Lillian) 1
- Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College 1
- Cogan, Sarah Edith Ives 1
- Cohen, J. Solis (Jacob Solis) 1
- College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Committee on Internship and Residency 1
- College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Section on Medicine and the Arts 1
- Cone, Ebenezer 1
- Currie, William, 1754-1828 1
- Cutbush, Edward, 1772-1843 1
- Dauntesey, John 1
- Dorland, W.A. Newman (William Alexander Newman) 1
- Douglass, George 1
- Duffield, Samuel 1
- Durham, James 1
- Eustis, William, 1753-1825 1
- Fager, John H. (John Henry) 1
- Fall River Hospital. Woman's Board. Executive Committee 1
- Faust, Jonathan N. 1
- Faust, Peter 1
- Fisher, Alice 1
- Flint, Austin 1
- Foot Hills Sanitorium 1
- Fowler, Charles G. 1
- Franklin Pharmaceutical Institute 1
- Frazer, J. F. (John Fries) 1
- Frazier, Charles H. (Charles Harrison) 1
- Frazier, William D. (William Doane) 1 ∧ less
∨ more