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Alonzo West lecture notes from the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College

Identifier: MSS 409
Scope and Contents note This is a volume of notes taken by Alonzo West from lectures by Dr. John Sanders, Dr. A. O. Blair, Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dr. G. W. Barnes, Dr. Wilson, and other lecturers at Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 1865-1866. Topics include obstetrics, surgery, practice, materia medica, and physiology. The volume includes an index.
Dates: 1865-1866

Andrew Warner notes on lectures from Yale College School of Medicine

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/069
Scope and Contents Volume contains conclusion of Nathan Smith’s lecture course on theory and practice of physic, 1815-1816, and personal material of Andrew F. Warner, 1821 and undated. Smith’s lectures describe pathology, symptoms, and treatment of disease by anatomical system; bulk of volume concerns diseases of the chylopoietic viscera [lymphatic system], digestive system, urinary system, and bronchi. Course concludes with Smith’s general remarks on the treatment of disease. A brief section on the...
Dates: 1815-1816, 1821, undated

Anna M. McAllister notes on lectures from Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/056
Scope and Contents Volume contains notes on lectures taken by Anna M. McAllister during third year of study at Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Nov. 1872-Mar. 1873. Lecturers not identified but are: Rachel L. Bodley on chemistry; Emeline H. Cleveland on obstetrics and diseases of women; Isaac Comly on practice of medicine; Henry Hartshorne on diseases of children and hygiene; Charles Hermon Thomas on materia medica; and Benjamin B. Wilson on surgery. Lectures identified by subject and...
Dates: 1872 - 1873

Christian C. Vedder notes on lectures at Albany Medical College

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/181
Scope and Contents Student notes taken by C. C. Vedder on lectures at Albany Medical College, 181. Lecturers are: James H. Armsby on surgery John M. Bigelow on materia medica H. R. Haskins on anatomy John . Lansing on physiology James McNaughton on the theory and practice of medicine Maurice Perkins on chemistry William P. Seymour on obstetrics and Albert Vanderveer on microscopical anatomy. Notes on clinical cases included.
Dates: 1871

Douglas P. Murphy Papers

Identifier: MSS 419
Overview Douglas P. Murphy (1893-1971) served as a surgeon in the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) with the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during World War I. During his military service, Murphy worked in several medical hospitals in France from 1917 until the war’s end in 1918. Surviving the war intact, and even managing to get married during his time overseas, Murphy returned home to Philadelphia and opened his own obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) practice. His clinical experience eventually...
Dates: 1917-1972

E. A. Santee lecture notes from Jefferson Medical College

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/223-03
Scope and Contents Volume of student notes, 1863-1864, taken by E. A. Santee at Jefferson Medical College on, primarily, lectures of Samuel Henry Dickson on practice of medicine; Robley Dunglison on physiology; Samuel D. Gross on surgery and gunshot wounds; and Ellerslie Wallace on obstetrics. Includes notes on medical and surgical clinics of D. Hayes Agnew and J. L. Ludlow at Philadelphia General Hospital.
Dates: 1863 - 1864

Edward A. Schumann papers

Identifier: MSS 2/244
Scope and Contents This small collection of letters, pathological specimen registers, speeches and writings, and miscellaneous material, 1903-1963, documents the career and obstetric and gynecological practice of Edward A. Schumann. Series 1 contains three folders of letters, 1916-1958, from, primarily, obstetricians and gynecologists. The letters concern Schumann's speaking engagements; his presidency of the American Gynecological Society; his appointment as professor of gynecology at the...
Dates: 1903 - 1963

George Green papers

Identifier: MSS 2/013
Scope and Contents The contents of this commonplace book of George Green, Sr., divide naturally into three series: medical lecture notes and examination questions, many from the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, 1817-1820; copies or drafts of personal correspondence, 1824 and undated; and poetry, literary sentences, and miscellaneous writings, 1858-1860 and undated. Medical items in the volume include a copy of notes on Philip Syng Physick's lecture on inflammation, [1819?]...
Dates: 1817 - 1860

Henry G. Wagoner daybook

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/062
Scope and Contents Volume documents Henry G. Wagoner’s medical practice in Somerville, N.J., 1862. Bulk of volume contains chronological visiting list of patients in Somerset County. Each entry, listed by name, assigned symbol; explanation of symbols on p. 4. Most of Wagoner’s practice lay in Somerville or Raritan. Daybook entries contain personal and professional accounts. Volume also contains list of Wagoner’s obstetric appointments during 1862 with names and address of parents, date of birth, sex of child, and...
Dates: 1862

Henry Knox Stratford formulary

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MSS 2/279
Scope and Contents Volume of undated medical and household recipes of eclectic physician with miscellaneous cash accounts and chronological list of obstetrical cases, 1855-1868. Includes one folder of supplementary material, ca. 1874-1890.
Dates: 1855 - 1890; Majority of material found within 1855 - 1868

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  • Subject: Obstetrics X

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University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 5
Jefferson Medical College 4
Da Costa, J. M. (Jacob Mendes) 3
Gross, Samuel D. (Samuel David) 3
Wallace, Ellerslie 3
∨ more
American Gynecological Society 2
Biddle, John B. (John Barclay) 2
Carson, Joseph 2
Dickson, Samuel Henry 2
Dunglison, Robley 2
Hodge, Hugh Lenox 2
McKenzie, Colin 2
Philadelphia General Hospital 2
Physick, Philip Syng 2
Rush, Benjamin 2
University of Edinburgh 2
Young, Thomas 2
Albany Medical College 1
American Mt. Zion Sunday School (Frederick Township, Pa.) 1
Armsby, James H. (James Harvey) 1
Atlee, John L. (John Light) 1
Bigelow, John M. (John Milton) 1
Chapman, Nathaniel 1
Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College 1
College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York 1
Coxe, John Redman 1
Diller, John R. 1
Dorsey, John Syng 1
Faust, Jonathan N. 1
Faust, Peter 1
Franklin Pharmaceutical Institute 1
Gibson, William 1
Green, George 1
Hare, Robert 1
Haskins, H. R. (Henry R.) 1
Hollembaek, Henry 1
James, Thomas C. (Thomas Chalkley) 1
Knox, Samuel 1
Kuhn, Adam 1
La Roche, René 1
Lansing, John V. 1
McAllister, Anna M. 1
McMorran, John 1
McNaughton, James 1
Miller, James Nelson (James) 1
Murphy, Douglas P. (Douglas Power ) 1
Pancoast, Joseph 1
Parrish, Joseph 1
Penrose, R.A.F. (Richard Alexander Fullerton) 1
Pepper, William 1
Perkins, Maurice 1
Rand, B. Howard (Benjamin Howard) 1
Santee, E. A. (Ephraim A.) 1
Schumann, Edward A. (Edward Armin) 1
Seymour, William P. (William Pierce) 1
Smith, Henry H. (Henry Hollingsworth) 1
Smith, Nathan 1
Stout, Samuel Hollingsworth 1
Stratford, H. K. (Henry Knox) 1
Summerville, John Freeman 1
Taylor, William T. (William Terry) 1
Thompson, Isaac S. 1
United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces 1
United States. Army. Medical Reserve Corps 1
University of Pennsylvania 1
Vander Veer, Albert 1
Vedder, C. C. (Christian C.) 1
Wagoner, Henry G. (Henry Gatzmer) 1
Warner, Andrew F. (Andrew Ferdinando) 1
West, Alonzo 1
Wiley, John 1
Willson, J. Robert (James Robert) 1
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 1
Yale College. Medical Institution 1
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