Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 16
Francis Julius Le Moyne lecture and matriculation tickets
Identifier: MSS 2/237
Scope and Contents
This small collection of Francis Julius LeMoyne's matriculation
and lecture admission tickets, 1820-1822, document his education
in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania.
Faculty members whose lectures LeMoyne attended include: John
Redman Coxe on materia medica and pharmacy; William Gibson on
surgery; Robert Hare on chemistry; Thomas C. James on midwifery;
and Philip Syng Physick and William E. Horner on anatomy.
1820 - 1823
George W. Freeman lecture and matriculation tickets
Identifier: MSS 2/144
Scope and Contents
This small collection documents George W. Freeman's education
in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania,
1850-1851. The collection includes Freeman's matriculation
card, admission cards to lectures, and a certificate entitling
him to use of the medical library of Pennsylvania Hospital.
Faculty members whose lectures Freeman attended are: Joseph
Carson, William Gibson, Hugh L. Hodge, W. E. Horner, Samuel
Jackson, and James B. Rogers.
1850 - 1851
H. Chester Parry lecture and matriculation tickets
Identifier: MSS 2/126
Scope and Contents
This small collection documents H. Chester Parry's medical education
at the University of Pennsylvania, 1859-1861. The collection
contains Parry's matriculation card, lecture and clinic admission
cards, an examination schedule, and a letter certifying his
passage of his examinations. Faculty members whose lectures
Parry attended are: Joseph Carson, Hugh L. Hodge, Samuel Jackson,
Joseph Leidy, R. E. Rogers, Henry H. Smith, and George B. Wood.
1859 - 1861
H. Earnest Goodman lecture tickets
Identifier: MSS 2/158
Scope and Contents
The H. Earnest Goodman Collection consists of two 1857 cards admitting
Goodman to the lectures of D. Hayes Agnew on practical anatomy
at the Philadelphia School of Anatomy, and of R. A. F. Penrose
on obstetrics. There is also an 1858 matriculation card for
courses at Edward Parrish's School of Practical Pharmacy.
Although Goodman was a student in the Medical Department of
the University of Pennsylvania at this time, the collection
documents his attendence at courses outside the...
1857 - 1858
Jacob Weber lecture and matriculation cards
Identifier: MSS 2/193
Scope and Contents
This collection of lecture admission and matriculation cards and
related material documents Jacob Weber's medical education at
the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1845, and the Medical Department
of the University of Pennsylvania, 1855 to 1857. The collection
indicates that, in addition to the prescribed series of courses
at the university, Weber also attended supplementary lectures
on anatomy and surgery.Physicians and faculty members whose lectures Weber attended include:...
circa 1855-1857
Jeremiah B. Stubbs correspondence received
Identifier: MSS 2/224
Scope and Contents
The collection contains fourteen letters received, 18361848,
by Jeremiah B. Stubbs, primarily from his brother, S. B. Stubbs,
with matriculation and lecture admission tickets, 1826, from
Jefferson Medical College. Several of the letters from S. B. Stubbs and one letter from Samuel
Webster describe the conditions, faculty, medical education,
and student life at Jefferson during the 1830s and early 1840s;
some comparisons are drawn between courses and faculty at Jefferson
1826 - 1848
Jesse Elmer Shuman papers
Identifier: MSS 2/250
Scope and Contents
This small collection, 1885-1935, documents Jesse Elmer Shuman's
medical education at the University of Pennsylvania and the
Medical Institute of Philadelphia and includes matriculation
and lecture admission tickets, lecture schedules, examination
questions, and a recipe book. Also included are some newsclippings,
a volume of notes used from 1912-1931, for lectures on materia
medica, and an undated typescript address on angina pectoris.
1885 - 1935
John Fergusson Lamb lecture admission ticket
Identifier: MSS 2/236
Scope and Contents
Ticket admitting John F. Lamb to lectures of John Redman Coxe on materia medica and pharmacy at University of Pennsylvania Dept. of Medicine, 1819 Nov. 3.
Joseph A. Wolf lecture and matriculation tickets
Identifier: MSS 2/172
1844 - 1847
Filtered By
- Subject: Admission tickets X
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Names
- University of Pennsylvania 9
- University of Pennsylvania. School of Medicine 4
- Jefferson Medical College 2
- Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 2
- Philadelphia School of Anatomy 2
- Bache, Franklin 1
- Battenfeld, Louis Smith 1
- Challiss, William L. 1
- Colhoun, Robert H. (Robert Harwood) 1
- Coxe, John Redman 1
- Dilts, Jacob 1
- Dunglison, Robley 1
- Franklin, Marcus A. 1
- Freeman, George, W. 1
- Goodman, H. Earnest (Henry Earnest) 1
- Harlow, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis) 1
- Huston, Robert M. (Robert Mendenhall) 1
- Lamb, John F. (John Fergusson) 1
- Le Moyne, Francis Julius 1
- Leidy 1
- Leidy, Joseph 1
- Leidy, Joseph, Jr. 1
- Medical Institute of Philadelphia 1
- Meigs, Charles D. (Charles Delucena) 1
- Mitchell, John Kearsley 1
- Mütter, Thomas D. (Thomas Dent) 1
- Pancoast, Joseph 1
- Pennsylvania College. Medical Department 1
- Perry, H. Chester (Henry Chester) 1
- Rand, B. Howard (Benjamin Howard) 1
- Shuman, Jesse Elmer 1
- Smith, Henry H. (Henry Hollingsworth) 1
- Stubbs, Jeremiah B. 1
- Weber, Jacob 1
- Weber, R. L. (Robert Lewis) 1
- Wolf, Joseph A. 1 ∧ less
∨ more